If God only used perfect people, nothing would get done. God will use anybody if you're available.
I think there's so much feeling among young girls where they feel like they have to be this perfect thing - and they don't. Perfect people don't exist. Sometimes people need to be told it.
This is the way I think about politics: We want two diametrically opposed things from a politician. On one hand we want them to be bastions of moral integrity, perfect people, saints. And on the other hand, we want them to be effective leaders.
I always have a funny story at communion time that underscores that no one is perfect, and that communion is not for perfect people but for hungry people.
We're all flawed people at the end of the day; I don't know any perfect people.
Perfect people are the scariest people to me.
There are absolutely almost perfect people who experience no guilt; they don't know what it is. They simply do what they need to do - or want to do - next. They see nothing wrong with it. They feel no guilt. They express no guilt. And it's not even certain what harm they do.
Not everybody is perfect, and I don't think we should be looking for perfect people.
Change means that what was before wasn't perfect. People want things to be better.
Family or love or romance, whatever it is, is not restricted to perfect people. If it were, it wouldn't exist. All of that comes out in my work in some way.