Insight into character comes from listening intently to the spoken word. The physical person, their charisma, charm and dramatic flair is more often used to persuade audiences, as they use these stealth tools of disguise and deception.
In art and dream may you proceed with abandon. In life may you proceed with balance and stealth.
With stealth technology, the U.S. could spy on its Cold War adversaries without running the risk of getting caught.
The terrorist uses surprise and stealth, and the only way to defeat that is by having accurate and timely intelligence.
The only moral question with suicide bombing is who the target is. And in that sense, the suicide bomber is no different from the stealth bomber or the cruise missile. If it is targeted at civilian people, then it is morally wrong, whether done by Bush, Blair, or a suicide bomber.
No one ever approaches perfection except by stealth, and unknown to themselves.
You want stealth? Be a rogue in 'World of Warcraft'.
The consequence of the Bay of Pigs failure wasn't an acceptance of Castro and his control of Cuba but, rather, a renewed determination to bring him down by stealth.
I've always believed in having a sense of balance and stealth.
The greatest pleasure I know is to do a good action by stealth and have it found out by accident.