I'm good at looking good with weapons and stunts. But if you put a bull's eye in front of me and asked me to hit it, I'd say the chances of me hitting it are about one in a million!
While I will always have the utmost respect for the superhuman out-of-bounds freestyle and extreme stunts that seem to continually progress beyond our imaginable limits, my highest appreciation goes out to the simple rider who's out there just for the experience.
I love playing roles that are physical, absolutely love. Whether it's just that kind of basic level of physicality or whether it's stunts.
I do most of my own stunts because the stunt guys show me how.
The important thing is to build up my cardiovascular system, so I have the stamina to do stunts. To me, stepping over the line, taking a chance and succeeding is the ultimate freedom, be it in rock and roll or when executing a really challenging routine.
I don't see the risk, I enjoy performing stunts, and I don't get scared.
I don't do my own stunts, but I do my own fighting. I don't consider fighting to be a stunt.
The stunts on the ground I can do, but I've never been good with heights.
One of the things that's interesting to me is I find things like caffeine and stunts actually relax me. When they're putting a bit of gel on my arm and lighting me on fire, or when I'm about to go into a high-speed car chase or rev a motorcycle up pretty fast, I find everything else around me slows down.
I do all my own stunts!