A dinosaur out of context is like a character without a story. Worse than that, the character suffers from amnesia.
I can only wait for the final amnesia, the one that can erase an entire life.
A nation that forgets its past can function no better than an individual with amnesia.
The whole melodrama of the Middle East would be improved if amnesia were as common here as it is in melodramatic plots.
Playing and fun are not the same thing, though when we grow up we may forget that and find ourselves mixing up playing with happiness. There can be a kind of amnesia about the seriousness of playing, especially when we played by ourselves.
Right now I'm having amnesia and deja vu at the same time.
Very few people run around and get amnesia and have comas and come out of them and do all the silly of people have strokes and have comas and come out of them and do all the silly things we do on soaps.
Driving is a spectacular form of amnesia. Everything is to be discovered, everything to be obliterated.
We're building an independent political program that can run electoral politics and then turn on a dime to hold our leaders to task, in case they suddenly develop that old case of amnesia! We'll be there to remind them what they promised and who they promised to work for!
Every time you go in, it's like starting over. You don't know how you did the other records. You're learning all over. It's some weird musician amnesia, or maybe the road wipes it out.