Every actress has to face the facts there are younger, more beautiful girls right behind you. Once you've gone beyond the vanity of the business, you'll take on the tough roles.
I haven't experienced love at first sight yet. I've seen very, very beautiful girls and been awestruck but never love at first sight. I think confidence goes such a long way with women. A girl who is confident with who she is and she can really flaunt that is really sexy.
There are plenty of beautiful girls who don't photograph well.
I inherited my father's insatiable desire to meet all the beautiful girls in the world.
I've just had some of the worst situations with the most beautiful girls who I just could not stand talking to anymore. The physical only lasts for so long.
I basically modeled my way through college, doing local runway shows in L.A. that don't pay a lot and a couple of shows in N.Y. and S.F., and I probably made the same as the average 19-year-old waiter; I just worked less and was around beautiful girls, so it was nice.
Then you get to be involved with all the people, meet all the beautiful girls, get all the good food, get ready and locked in before all the crowds hit.
I wanted to be a cheerleader, like my sister was - all the most popular and beautiful girls are cheerleaders and I wanted that, and it demolished this vision of myself. That's when I found the piano, when music saved me; that's when I first attempted to write my own songs.
Having kids has been a turning point in my life because when I was still single, all I wanted was to impress beautiful girls.
That I survived the Holocaust and went on to love beautiful girls, to talk, to write, to have toast and tea and live my life - that is what is abnormal.