The fun part of being a girl is that there are little beauty things you can do to make yourself feel special.
I'm speaking for a bunch of girls when I say that the idea that feminism is completely natural and shouldn't even be something that people find mildly surprising, it's just a part of being a girl in 2013.
I love dressing up. It's the best part of being a girl, I think.
I think that the path that I took was normal in the American society where young women and men are not trained as to how to make the transition from being a girl to being a woman, from being a boy to being a man. And so I think that most young people in America live by trial and error, and not by parental instruction, community guidance.
Feminism to me means fighting. It's a very nuanced, complex thing, but at the very core of it I'm a feminist because I don't think being a girl limits me in any way.
I enjoy being a girl.
It's hard being a girl. There are a lot of body image issues that come up and I think the best thing we can do for our kids is lead by example.
You may try but you can never imagine what it is to have a man's form of genius in you, and to suffer the slavery of being a girl.
Growing up, I wish I hadn't tried so hard to fit in. I'd tell myself to just embrace what you were born with because it's beautiful and you were made like that for a reason. It's tough being a girl. I think we need all of the support we can get.
It's just fun just being a girl.