The most boring thing in the world? Silence.
I think people have the wrong idea of 'Moby Dick' as this somber, boring thing.
I think trying to be offbeat is the most boring thing possible.
Yes I never go to the gym otherwise because I think it's a waste of time and the most boring thing on earth.
I've always looked upon politics as a very boring thing. Politics never interested me as much as the people involved in it.
I feel like it's the most boring thing, sitting on the treadmill or on a bike. It just explodes my mind!
I can't be bothered to go to the gym, though. I honestly just can't be bothered - it's the most boring thing on Earth. I have tried and every six months I go 'right, I'm going to the gym'. Then I do it for two weeks and get so bored by it.
A special effect is a tool, a means of telling a story. A special effect without a story is a pretty boring thing.
The Cold War was a boring thing. Nobody gets better for it. Tremendous money is wasted. Our lives get more difficult. We look at each other as enemies. What's good in that? In any case, I will do anything in my power in order to stop another Cold War, with the U.S. or any other country in the world.
I find that talking about myself is often the most boring thing in the world. Sixty per cent of interviews I find mechanical.