Courtney Ford — American Actress born on June 27, 1978,

Courtney Braden Ford is an American actress... (wikipedia)

The more comfortable you are, and the more you can relax, the more truthful your performance is.
I would love to be on a show where I'm allowed to play a character that you're not suspicious of, from the get-go, and who's someone that you can just relax with, take in and like, right off the bat.
I would love to be able to play some characters on television that are similar to some of the indie film roles I've done, that have been so close to my heart.
It's so funny because the roles that I've been offered in the indie film world have been similar to each other, and the roles that I've been offered in the TV world have been similar to each other, but the TV roles and the indie film roles have been completely different.