In a dark time, the eye begins to see.
We live in a dark time. Books are as dark as what is available to teenagers through the media every day.
I'm a creative person who had a lot of dark time in my life. I can still get to it: I can still go to a relationship or a time when things weren't great. But it's getting further and further from me.
There's also some element of coming of age during the Reagan administration, which everybody has painted as some glorious time in America, but I remember as being a very, very dark time. There was apocalypse in the air; the punk rock movement made sense.
That whole environment was just incompatible with my beliefs and my personality. It was a dark time for me.
Some people are too prideful to go out and reach out to people to help them in that situation because it's just such a dark time.
I disapprove of lots of decisions made by George Bush: the war, the meddling in the affairs of other countries, the conversations with dictators; it was a dark time.