Henry Williamson — English Author born on December 01, 1895, died on August 13, 1977

Henry William Williamson was an English soldier, naturalist, farmer and ruralist writer known for his natural history and social history novels. He won the Hawthornden Prize for literature in 1928 with his book Tarka the Otter... (wikipedia)

Since childhood she had walked the Devon rivers with her father looking for flowers and the nests of birds, passing some rocks and trees as old friends, seeing a Spirit everywhere, gentle in thought to all her eyes beheld.
If salt ocean is the Great Mother from whom all life has sprung, fresh water is the Nurse entrusted to nourish life within her wanderings and around her wave-lapped margins.
Regeneration can come only through a change of heart in the individual.
The eldest and biggest of the litter was a dog cub, and when he drew his first breath he was less than five inches long from his nose to where his tail joined his back-bone.
Education must be aimed at creating a wider imagination in the child, not at suppressing. The child's mind must be set free.