James Bernard Frost — American Author

James Bernard Frost is an American author. His novels A Very Minor Prophet and World Leader Pretend explore American subcultures. His travel guide for vegetarians, The Artichoke Trail, won a Lowell Thomas Award for travel journalism. He regularly publishes essays on the online magazine The Nervous Breakdown... (wikipedia)

Whatever one thinks of Twitter, the Friday Reads hashtag is kind of a cool tradition.
I had just turned 28 and sold my first book, a travel guide for vegetarians, but I'd tell people about the day job that I didn't care about instead - I placed banner advertisements on the web for a search engine company.
I first became familiar with Dave Eggers's work when I was living in San Francisco and enrolled at USF's MFA Program.
Once the travel guide came out and won an award, once I got an MFA in creative writing, once I sold my next novel, I finally started telling people that I was a writer. I remember how special that year felt.
For everyone I know who is a writer, there was some awkward time in their lives when they had to learn to call themselves one.