John Henry Newman — British Clergyman born on February 21, 1801, died on August 11, 1890

John Henry Newman Cong. Orat., also referred to as Cardinal Newman, John Henry Cardinal Newman, and Blessed John Henry Newman, was an important figure in the religious history of England in the 19th century. He was known nationally by the mid-1830s... (wikipedia)

We can believe what we choose. We are answerable for what we choose to believe.
In this world no one rules by love; if you are but amiable, you are no hero; to be powerful, you must be strong, and to have dominion you must have a genius for organizing.
Let us act on what we have, since we have not what we wish.
To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often.
A great memory does not make a mind, any more than a dictionary is a piece of literature.