There's something intrinsically Australian about a bunch of brothers and school friends getting together as a band at a very young age and all pulling together as a band at a very young age and all pulling together as mates to make something happen.
I don't like awards ceremonies. I'd sooner go to the pub with mates I've known for years.
I'm inspired by the sheer ingenuity and intelligence possessed by my fellow band mates.
I was an OK boxer, I wasn't great, I was OK, but I loved the discipline of getting together every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, usually Saturday afternoons too, with a whole bunch of mates and training, very, very hard for about two-and-half hours.
It's important not to ditch your mates when you're in a relationship. Lots of girls do it, but you need to remember they will always be there for you.
People can be great competitors on Sunday and mates on Monday.
Ideally, people find mates with whom they can express both their masculine and feminine sides.
I've no grand designs to conquer the music industry, but I'd love to be able to tell my mates that I'm playing in a pub in Camden one night.
You know, you hear people talk about soul mates? That one person that you see, and that's it for you? Well, TOMS is the business equivalent of a soul mate for me.
It's annoying, but justice and equality are mates. Aren't they? Justice always wants to hang out with equality. And equality is a real pain.