It was a slow understanding that the lack of education in a country like Somalia creates these huge social problems.
We are conscious that religions cannot solve the economic, political and social problems of this earth.
The second truism that we must understand is that poverty does not create our social problems, our social problems create our poverty.
When you make movies, you have to be preoccupied with the social problems, otherwise there is no point in making a movie. To have a story, you need a social problem. Not necessarily a problem, but something to get the idea for a story, otherwise there's no story.
Child labor perpetuates poverty, unemployment, illiteracy, population growth, and other social problems.
I have no problem with technological solutions to social problems. The key question for me is, 'Who gets to implement them?' and, 'What kinds of politics of reform do technological solutions smuggle through the back door?'
Of all the public services, education is the one I'm most interested in. You get a more dynamic economy, you deal with most social problems, and it's morally right.
Most original viewers of the Mickey Mouse Club didn't face the crush of family and social problems children have today.
If you look at people who seek a lot of care in American cities for multiple illnesses, it's usually people with a number of overwhelming illnesses and a lot of social problems, like housing instability, unemployment, lack of insurance, lack of housing, or just bad housing.
In a free society, government reflects the soul of its people. If people want change at the top, they will have to live in different ways. Our major social problems are not the cause of our decadence. They are a reflection of it.