Steven Hall — British Author born on December 30, 1975,

Steven Hall is a British author. He has written one novel, produced a number of plays, music videos, concrete prose/conceptual art pieces, and short stories... (wikipedia)

Beer. It always seems like such a good idea at the time, doesn't it? What's worse is beer seems like an even better idea after you've had some beer.
I have notebooks and sketchbooks for ideas. I also have drawers full of envelopes covered in quick outlines, scenes or scraps of dialogue that I don't want to forget. I tend to grab whatever's to hand and just get the thing down before it's lost. It's not what you would call a streamlined system.
He was a great man, my granddad, a very calm, logical and methodical guy. I suppose I'm trying to be more like him as I get older.
When I'm out and about, I'll text or email myself from my phone. A smart phone is a great tool for a writer.
The calmer and more well-ordered my desktop is, the more I can convince myself I'm on top of things.