The natural state of motherhood is unselfishness. When you become a mother, you are no longer the center of your own universe. You relinquish that position to your children.
There is a magnet in your heart that will attract true friends. That magnet is unselfishness, thinking of others first; when you learn to live for others, they will live for you.
Selfishness is the only real atheism; aspiration, unselfishness, the only real religion.
I want some day to be able to love with the same intensity and unselfishness that parents love their children with.
A wise unselfishness is not a surrender of yourself to the wishes of anyone, but only to the best discoverable course of action.
Modesty and unselfishness - these are the virtues which men praise - and pass by.
The man who practises unselfishness, who is genuinely interested in the welfare of others, who feels it a privilege to have the power to do a fellow-creature a kindness - even though polished manners and a gracious presence may be absent - will be an elevating influence wherever he goes.