A group of kids must protect their vacation home from invading aliens.

Hannah Pearson: Dad's coming and he's mad.
Tom Pearson: With who?
Hannah Pearson, Stuart Pearson: Tom!
Ricky Dillman: [to Bethany, under control of the aliens] Step away, hormonal female!
Jake Pearson: You're gonna need a bigger potato.
Lee Pearson: [after the aliens turned off the gravity] What the...
Jake Pearson: What's happening?
Art Pearson: Why are we floating?
Lee Pearson: They turned off the gravity, like in Halo!
Art Pearson: This isn't Xbox, Lee. It's real! - Like Wii!
Tom Pearson: You told my Dad YOU'D fix it.
Ricky Dillman: I told your dad a lot of things. Like, my car broke down, my parents own a lakehouse, I'm 18.
Tom Pearson: You're not a senior?
Ricky Dillman: Not in high school.
Tom Pearson: Hannah, please next time you ride in the hump, remember?
Hannah Pearson: I barf in the middle, remember?
Stuart Pearson: I'm sorry honey, I can't remember, do you want cheese on your burger?
Bethany Pearson: No, I want to find whoever invent love and hack them up with a machete.
Bethany Pearson: One word and you're dead.
Tom Pearson: Are you crazy? If dad catches you, kill you.
Bethany Pearson: Dad is not going to catch me.
Bethany Pearson: This is so not happening.
Stuart Pearson: If you're smart enough to hack into the school's computer, you're smart enough to pass math.
Stuart Pearson: I was a brainiac. It worked for me.
Tom Pearson: I don't want to be like *you*, I want to be cool!
Hannah Pearson: Sockmonkey!