A foster kid, who lives with her mean foster mom, sees her life change when business tycoon and New York mayoral candidate Will Stacks makes a thinly-veiled campaign move and takes her in.

Daddy Warbucks: Wait! There's something interesting in that woman's smile. I might learn to like her. Hang her in my bathroom.
Hannigan: Like me on Facebook...
Will Stacks: I don't like you in Harlem, why would I like you on Facebook?
Will Stacks: Why are you running?
Annie: It gets me to places quicker.
Will Stacks: Sometimes what you're looking for, is right in front of your face.
Grace: You love money and power and capitalism? You know they're never going to love you back...
Annie: I guess they're dead. I guess I've known that deep down for a long time.
Daddy Warbucks: I'm not giving up. Don't you give up.
Annie: I didn't want to be just another orphan, Mr. Warbucks. I wanted to believe I was special.
Daddy Warbucks: You *are* special! *Never* stop believing that!
Miss Hannigan: [singing] Some women are drippin' with diamonds / Some women are drippin' with pearls / Lucky me, lucky me, look at what I'm drippin' with / Little girls!
Annette: May I take your sweater, miss?
Annie: Will I get it back?
Punjab: Buddha says "A child without courage is like a night without stars!"
Grace: We got Annie!
Asp: We got Annie!
Punjab: We got Annie!
Rooster: This is Lily St. Regis.
Lily: Named from the hotel.
Miss Hannigan: Room service!
Pepper: [to Annie] Blow it out your old wa-zoo!
Will Stacks: See, you gotta play the cards that you've been dealt. No matter how bad the cards are.
Annie: What if you don't have *any* cards.
Will Stacks: Then you bluff.
Daddy Warbucks: Your teeth are crooked.
Grace: I'll get them fixed.
Daddy Warbucks: I like them crooked.
Grace: [whispering] I'll leave 'em.
Miss Hannigan: You can have any orphan in the whole orphanage... except Annie.
Grace: Well, why?
Miss Hannigan: Because she's got it comin' to her; and I *don't* mean 'a week in the lap of luxury'!
Daddy Warbucks: Absolutely not! I'm a businessman. I love money, I love power, I love capitalism. I do not now and never will love children.
Daddy Warbucks: I never thought I'd get used to a girl.
Annie: Girls are easier to get used to than boys. Look how used to Miss Farrell you are. She does all the work around here, and you don't even know her first name.
Daddy Warbucks: I do, it's Grace.
Annie: She thinks you're the greatest thing since sliced bread.
Daddy Warbucks: [surprised] I beg your pardon?
Annie: I know it's none of my business, but you never notice anything!
Annie: The sun'll come out tomorrow, so you gotta hang on 'til tomorrow. Come what may. Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow. You're only a day away.
Daddy Warbucks: Miss Hannigan, I presume?
Miss Hannigan: Yes?
Daddy Warbucks: I wanna talk to you about Annie.
Miss Hannigan: You wanna return her and forget her? Or trade up?
Daddy Warbucks: I wanna adopt her.
Miss Hannigan: Would you excuse me for a moment? Aaarggghh!
Miss Hannigan: Little girls, little girls, everywhere I turn I can see them.
Grace: The swimming pool is down the stairs.
Annie: Inside the house? Oh. boy.
Grace: The tennis court is in the rear.
Annie: I never even picked up a racket.
Grace: What? Have an instructor here at noon. And get that Don Budge fellow if he's available.
Annie: I think I'm gonna like It here.
Annie: I don't need sunshine now to turn my skies to blue. I Don't Need anything but you.
Miss Hannigan: What did you say your name was?
Grace: Grace Farrell
Miss Hannigan: Ah, Grace, aptly name.
Annie: [to Stacks] You gotta learn to stop spitting. You're not a camel.
Miss Hannigan: Why any kid would want to be an orphan is beyond me.
Annie: All right, who's next? Anybody else? Then get lost!
Molly: But they wasn't her real parents, mister, they was bad people!
Daddy Warbucks: Leapin' lizards!
Miss Hannigan: What are you just standing around here for? You're supposed to clean the bathroom and the kitchen before lunch, my little pig droppings, and if you skip the corners, there will be no lunch. And we're not having hot mush today...
Orphans: Yay!
Miss Hannigan: We're having *cold* mush!
Orphans: We love you, Miss Hannigan.
Miss Hannigan: Shut up!
Grace: Annie, how would you like to spend a week with Mr. Warbucks at his house?
Annie: Oh boy! I would love to. I would really, really love to.
Hannigan: There have been worse politicians than him.
Guy: I know. And I got them elected.
Miss Hannigan: I bet you Miss Sticky Fingers here can loan you a lousy five bucks.
Lily: I beg your pardon, I'm sure, but I don't stoop to what you're incineratin'.
Miss Hannigan: Give me back my goods, toots.
[Lily hands Miss Hannigan the jewelry that she had been holding. Miss Hannigan clears her throat and stares at Lily's chest. Lily then pulls the rest of the jewelry out of her dress]
Rooster: Oh sir. We are just so thrilled to have found Annie. We don't need any money.
Daddy Warbucks: I'll take it back.
Lily: Of course, we are poor people. It would help us a lot. We could buy her milk, a warm blanket.
Daddy Warbucks: Put it in your pocket, Mrs. Mudge.
Miss Hannigan: Where's Annie?
Molly: She had to go bathroom.
Miss Hannigan: [Imitating Molly] She had to go, bathroom.
Grace: What about this child?
Miss Hannigan: Annie?... Oh, you don't want Annie.
Grace: Why not?
Miss Hannigan: Because... Because she's a drunk!
Daddy Warbucks: They say it can land on a dime... whatever that may be.
Daddy Warbucks: You spend your evenings in the shanties.
Miss Hannigan: You had me followed.
Daddy Warbucks: Imbibing quarts of bathtub gin.
Miss Hannigan: Bronchitism.
Daddy Warbucks: And here you're dancing in your scanties,
Miss Hannigan: Great gams.
Daddy Warbucks: With some old geezer called Little Caeser,
Miss Hannigan: He's an uncle.
Daddy Warbucks: You lock the orphans in the closet.
Miss Hannigan: They love it!
Daddy Warbucks: You hock their Christmas souvenirs.
Miss Hannigan: Drink?
Daddy Warbucks: You steal the funds you should deposit.
Miss Hannigan: It's fresh.
Daddy Warbucks: You make them grovel while you buy laveleers.
Annie: Are you lactose-intolerant?
Will Stacks: I'm kid-intolerant.
Hannigan: [obnoxiously] You know, she's such an angel. We don't inherit the Earth, we borrow it from our children.
Grace: Miss Hannigan. I am the private secretary to Oliver Warbucks.
Miss Hannigan: The Oliver Warbucks? Oliver Warbucks, the millionaire?
Grace: Oh no. Oliver Warbucks, the billionaire.
Miss Hannigan: Mary, mother of God.
Annie: Pepper lies a lot. She probably hasn't been to a movie, either. Actually, I think it's better when you don't know what you're missing.
Daddy Warbucks: Punjab, buy out the 8:00 show. Let's all go to the movies.
Miss Hannigan: [as she looks at the diamond pin Daddy Warbucks is wearing] My God, is that thing real?
Daddy Warbucks: You'll sit out this century in some deep, dark penitentiary.
Miss Hannigan: Jail?
Daddy Warbucks: Sign.
Miss Hannigan: I geuss this means I'll never know the feeling of running fingers through your hair.
Daddy Warbucks: You'll rot in jail. In Sing-Sing.
Miss Hannigan: I guess this means no Bonus Iree.
Daddy Warbucks: Will you sign?
[last lines]
Guy in Bar: Keep singing and dancing like that, there's no way he was ever gonna win.
Annie: Who would want to kill Mr. Warbucks?
Grace: The Bolsheviks, dear. He's living proof that the American system really works and the Bolsheviks don't want anyone to know about that.
Annie: The Bolsheviks? Leapin' lizards!
Rooster: Easy Street. Easy Street. Annie is the key.
Miss Hannigan: Yessiree.
Lily: Yessiree.
Rooster: Yessiree.
Annie: [sings] It's the hard knock life for us.
Orphans: [sings] It's the hard knock life for us / 'Steada treated... we get tricked! / 'Steada kisses... we get kicked! / It's the hard knock life!
Annie: I love you, Daddy Warbucks.
Annie: [over her neighborhood in helicopter] This is *my* New York City.
Will Stacks: Where'd you live.
Annie: Everywhere.
Miss Hannigan: What do we say, Annie?
Annie: I love you Miss Hannigan.
[Jumps from the bed on to her foot]
Annie: Leaping lizards!
Miss Hannigan: "Leaping lizards!"
Annie: I can't believe I'm here. I'm in a dress that feels like a cloud. I'm standing in the middle of a giant cinnamon roll.
[looking up at Guggenheim Museum]
FDR: I want to feed them and house them and pay them. Not much, but enough to send home to their parents. So they can hold their heads up again and be proud to be Americans.
Annie: That's a swell idea.
Daddy Warbucks: It isn't a swell idea, Annie. It's mistaken foolishness.
Miss Hannigan: Rooster, you reprobate!
Annie: [while tearing up the check] Mr. Warbucks will eat your livers!
Rooster: I'll kill ya, ya little brat. I'll kill ya!
Miss Hannigan: [to herself] He's really gonna kill her!
[while chasing Rooster and Annie]
Miss Hannigan: Rooster! Rooster stop! Rooster, she's a baby!
[first lines]
Molly: [having a nightmare] Annie! Annie! Annie! Annie!
Annie: Everything is going to be alright.
Annie: Where are we?
Will Stacks: Queens.
Annie: Do I need my passport?
FDR: Everyone - Republicans too, Oliver - sing!
Miss Hannigan: It's time for a tumble with the bundle.
Will Stacks: What? I can feel you smiling with those Britisher-than-thou lips.
[repeated line]
Annie: Leapin' lizards!
Miss Hannigan: Don't be so mean, you mean old meanie.
Daddy Warbucks: Come my dear.
Miss Hannigan: Let's you and me make, why shouldn't we make hey.
Daddy Warbucks: I've got an appointment at one.
Miss Hannigan: This way. You every been to Bonus Iree?
Daddy Warbucks: Where?
Miss Hannigan: I hunger for the Ar-gen-tine
Daddy Warbucks: Argen-teena.
Miss Hannigan: Let's you and me fill up our diaries!
Daddy Warbucks: What? Stop!
Miss Hannigan: Buy me a ruby.
Daddy Warbucks: No!
Miss Hannigan: Why shouldn't you be mine?
Annie: You've given me so much already, Mr. Warbucks.
Daddy Warbucks: I got the papers signed today, it's official.
Annie: What is?
[Warbucks pulls out the locket]
Annie: It's so pretty, but...
Daddy Warbucks: Let me put it on you.
Annie: No. It's a really swell locket, Mr. Warbucks, but if it's all the same to you, I'll keep my old one.
Daddy Warbucks: It isn't all the same to me. Your old one's broken, this one's engraved, you didn't even look at it: 'To Annie, with love, from... Daddy Warbucks.
Annie: Mr. Warbucks, when my folks left me at the orphanage ten years ago, they left a note saying they'd come back to get me as soon as they could, and they kept the other half of this old locket so I'd know them when they came. I'm going to find them someday, Mr. Warbucks. I'm going to have a regular mother and father, like a regular kid. I am! I don't mean to hurt your feelings. You've been nicer to me than anybody in the whole wide world, but I've been dreaming of my folks for as long as I can remember, and I've just got to find them.
[repeated line]
July: Oh, my goodness! Oh, my goodness!
[last lines]
Chorus: [sings] Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow... You're only a day away!
Orphans: We love you, Ms. Hannigan
Miss Hannigan: Sure.