British couple Fiona and Nigel Dobson are sailing to Istanbul en route to India. They encounter a beautiful French woman, and that night Nigel meets her while dancing alone in the ship's ... See full summary »

Oscar: What happened to your dance classes?
Mimi: Dancing has to come from the heart.
Oscar: So?
Mimi: My heart is broken.
Oscar: She came to see me when I got out of Intensive Care. She said, there's bad news and there's good news. You're paralyzed from the waist down - permanently. OK, I said, let's have the good news. That was the good news, she said. The bad news is that from now on, I'm taking care of you.
Oscar: It's no fun hurting someone who means nothing to you.
Oscar: Have you ever truly idolized a woman? Nothing can be obscene in such love. Everything that occurs in between it becomes a sacrament.
Oscar: Nothing ever surpass the rapture of that first awakening. I might have been Adam with the taste of apple fresh in my mouth. I was looking at all the beauty in the world embodied in a single female form and I knew, with sudden blinding certainty, this was IT!
Oscar: In the eyes of every woman, I could see the reflection of the next.
Mimi: I want to marry you. I want to give you babies. I want to give you the rest of my life!
Oscar: I don't want the rest of your life. I want my own.
Mr.Singh: Believe me dear lady, children are a better form of marital therapy than any trip to India.
Oscar: I'd been granted a glimpse of heaven, then dumped on the sidewalk of Rue d'Assas.
Oscar: Everyone has a sadistic streak, and nothing brings it out better than the knowledge you've got someone at your mercy.
Oscar: We were developing a narcotic dependence on television - the marital aid that enables a couple to endure each other, without having to talk.
Nigel: Are you feeling any better?
Mimi: Better than what?
Nigel: You know, this afternoon... in the loo?
Mimi: The loo? Is that your usual pick-up routine?
Mimi: You don't have a right to criticize yourself. It's my privilege.
Oscar: She's a man-trap! Look what she did to me!