Success in business today requires real-time, mobile access to business opportunities.
India offers exciting business opportunities owing to the growth in corporate travel and a significant middle-class population waiting to explore the world. To begin with, Travelex is setting up eight city centre branches in metros and other major cities including tourist destinations.
There are some very real areas where working together is critical, whether it's talking about public policy issues, enforcement, or how to work together to facilitate new business opportunities. The RIAA has gotten much more involved in that.
Business opportunities are like buses, there's always another one coming.
I've found that in business opportunities will constantly emerge or situations develop that make you revise your plans along the way.
And those of us who have business opportunities and the capital to do it are going to sit in fear of the President. And a lot of people don't want to say that. They'll say, God, don't be attacking Obama. Well, this is Obama's deal and it's Obama that's responsible for this fear in America.
One of the things I was hoping to do in the Secretary of the State's Office when I came was to provide businesses with more information about business opportunities in Connecticut. That's both to businesses that are here already and also to businesses that are not located here, but might be interested in coming.
I want to experience Dallas. It's a new city where I see new business opportunities.
I am going to be announcing today that we will have a business delegation come to this country sometime in the future where we will bring businesses from America to Morocco to show them the vast business opportunities here.
On the one hand, Porto Monenegro is shape-shifting - it replaced a naval shipyard with a new marina - but it's also mind-shifting, opening up an array of other small business opportunities. And this shape-shifting and mind-shifting, it is exactly what we're trying to do in Montenegro.