A young couple is trapped in a remote town where a dangerous religious cult of children believe everyone over the age of 18 must be killed.

Burt Robeson: I spy, with my lttle eye, something that starts with C.
Vicky: Corn.
Burt: Any religion without love and compassion is false! It's a lie!
Burt: [about the Bible] What, did you rewrite the whole thing, or just the parts that don't suit your needs?
[Isaac has been sacrificed to He Who Walks Behind the Rows, who has sent him back again]
Isaac: Malachai! He wants you too, Malachai. He wants you too!
[last lines]
Burt: She's out cold. What are going to do now?
Vicky: Send her a get well card from Seattle. Let's get the hell out of here!
Isaac: Behold, a dream did come to me, and the Lord did show all of this to me.
Corn-Children: Praise God! Praise the Lord!
Isaac: A time of tribulation has come. A test is at hand... the final test.
Malachai: What has the Lord commanded?
Isaac: In my dream the Lord did come to me, and He was a shape. It was He Who Walks Behind the Rows. And I did fall on my knees in terror, and hide my eyes, lest the fierceness of His face strike me dead! He told me all that has since happened; He said, "Joseph has taken his things and fled this happy place, because the worship of Me is no more upon him. So take you his life, and spill his blood, like water upon the earth! But let not the flesh pollute the corn; cast him instead upon the road!
Malachai: And so it was done. Joseph the Betrayer was cast out!
Isaac: And He Who Walks Behind The Rows did say, "I will send outlanders amongst you: a man and a woman. And these outlanders will be unbelievers and profaners of the holy. And the man will sorely test you, for he has great power, even greater than that of the Blue Man!
Corn-Children: The Blue Man! Yes, the Blue Man!
Isaac: And just as he was offered up unto Him, so shall be the unbelievers!
Malachai: Make sacrifice unto Him! Bring Him the blood of the outlanders!
Corn-Children: Praise God; praise the Lord! Praise God! Praise the Lord...!
Job: Don't worry, Mister. You'll be safe here. Isaac and Malachai don't know about this place.
Burt Robeson: Enough! Who are Isaac and Malachai?
Job: Isaac started the whole thing. He's a boy preacher who came to this town three years ago. At nine-years-old back then, he had a charming way that appealed to all the kids and teens like us to follow him with his own teachings of the bible and of the Old Testiment. But me and Sarah thought he was just plain weird.
Job: I wish Isaac never came here.
Sarah: But he's always been here, just like He Who Walks Behind The Rows.
Burt: Hi, we've had an -
[gets cut off]
Diehl: I ain't got no gas.
Burt: No, I don't need gas.
Diehl: Ain't got no diesel fuel neither.
Burt: No, you -
[cut off again]
Diehl: Don't buy no gas you can't use no restroom.
Burt: Your telephone.
Diehl: Telephone! I ain't got no telephone.
Diehl: [dog barks] Sarge! You be still now.
Diehl: [sees blood on car] Mister, what you wanna do is to go to Hemmingford. It's about 19 miles down that right fork there.
Burt: What about Gatlin?
Diehl: Gatlin! There ain't nothin' in Gatlin.
Burt: What do you mean there ain't nothin' in Gatlin?
Diehl: Well, folks in Gatlin's got a religion. They don't like outsiders, and they probably don't have a phone there either.
Diehl: [dog barks again] Sarge! I said AT EASE!
Diehl: Mister, I'd love to sit here and shoot the breeze with you about politics and stuff, but I got a transmission to fix. Now you get on the right fork there and you'll be in Hemmingford in no time.
Burt: OK.
[walks back to car]
Burt: Yeah thanks alot.
Burt: [sitting in car, to Vicki] Either that man's senile, or he's been out in the sun too long.
Malachai: What Hath the lord commandeth?
Job: [Sarah and Job are playing Monopoly] I got a great idea!
[picks up one of the tokens]
Job: Let's pretend this guy is Isaac, and we're gonna put him in jail.
Sarah: But what if he gets a get-out-of-jail free card?
Job: Easy...
[takes all the cards and throws them across the room]
Job: What card?
[both laugh]
Burt: Don't ever show up in my emergency room, buddy!
Isaac: [to Sarah] ... You have the Gift of Sight. This is a blessing, my child.
Malachai: I have seen this car upon the road.
Isaac: Go to the old man. Make sure he tells them nothing.
Malachai: What about these two?
Isaac: Take them back where they were.
Malachai: But they had a game and music; they're forbidden!
Isaac: Question me not, Malachai! I act according to His will.
Isaac: [Malachai rebels against Isaac before their fellow Corn-Children] Don't just stand there! Seize him! Punish him! The Lord has chosen me as the bringer of His word and the giver of His laws! Disobedience to me is disobedience to Him! Do it now, or your punishment shall be a thousand deaths, each more horrible than the last!
Malachai: They are tired of your talk, Isaac. I've shown them what I can do.
[to the other Corn-Kids]
Malachai: Cut the woman down. Put Isaac in her place.
[to Isaac]
Malachai: We shall see how the Lord favors you.
Vicky: What are you going to do when you catch them?
Burt: Ask them for directions, what else?
Malachai: Outlander! Outlander! We have your woman!
Burt: What's going on here?
Richard 'Amos' Deigan: My passage. It is my birthday.
Burt: You've got a pretty sick way of celebrating, pal!
Vicky: Can you take us to Isaac?
Sarah: No.
Vicky: Why not?
Sarah: He's scary.
Vicky: [Malachai and his fellow Corn-Children have located Vicky at Job and Sarah's house. Malachai and Company storm in just as Vicky emerges from upstairs] ... What do you want?
Malachai: [with a diabolical smile] We want to give you Peace.
[to the other Corn-Kids]
Malachai: Get her!
Job: Is it dead?
Burt Robeson: I think so.
Job: Then why are we still running?
Vicky: Is he...
Burt: Oh, yeah.