With their daughter away, the Kranks decide to skip Christmas altogether until she decides to come home, causing an uproar when they have to celebrate the holiday at the last minute.

Spike Frohmeyer: [watching Luther steal a Christmas tree] Are you sure this isn't illegal?
Luther Krank: Are you a cop?
Nora Krank: [Luther explains his idea for the cruise] How much is this going to cost?
Luther Krank: $3,000.
Nora Krank: We SAVE money?
Luther Krank: Smoked trout?
Nora Krank: It's better than frozen pizza.
Luther Krank: What happened to the hickory honey ham?
Nora Krank: Don't EVER say hickory honey ham again.
Blair Krank: I'm bringing home Enriqué!
Luther Krank: What's a reeké?
Spike Frohmeyer: You're skipping Christmas! Isn't that against the law?
Luther Krank: [dressed in black to hide his tan] I look like a Mafia Lieutenant.
Nora Krank: You forgot the white chocolate!
Luther Krank: They didn't have any.
Nora Krank: Did you talk to Rex?
Luther Krank: Who's Rex?
Nora Krank: The butcher.
Luther Krank: ...as odd as it sounds, I didn't think to ask the butcher where the chocolate was!
Nora Krank: Why would we want to get tans before the cruise? I thought the idea was to get them DURING the cruise.
Luther Krank: Look at us, we kind of look like uncooked chicken.
Daisy: You look like a corpse.
[to Nora]
Daisy: And you could use some help too.
Nora Krank: We skip Christmas!
Nora Krank: What are you doing? It's not even Saturday night.
Vic Frohmeyer: Nora Krank, we're here for Frosty!
Walt Scheel: Does this mean we have start being nice to each other?
Luther Krank: Of course not.
Walt Scheel: Good, cause I still don't like you that much.
Luther Krank: Well, that's great. I'm not fond of you either.
[after he leaves]
Walt Scheel: Honey, we gonna pack!