A teenage girl is convinced that her home city revolves around her until her family packs up and moves to the suburbs, where she finds herself competing for attention.

Ella: 67 blocks is "around the corner"?
Lola: So how've you been?
Stu: Sober. I'm in recovery - again. Someone very sweet called me a drunk. And I didn't like it.
Stu: [looking at cup of coffee placed in front of him] That's not onion rings...
Lola: Life can be so randomly beautiful.
Ella: If we go, I just know something is gonna go wrong. I'm gonna die, and my parents are gonna find out.
Lola: I sunk into a depression only Hamlet would recognize.
Ella: It's a good job you're gonna be an actress, Lola, because you haven't any talent for reality.
Ella: Maybe we should just go to the hotel.
Lola: What? And miss the concert? Yeah, I don't think so.
Ella: We're not actually at the concert.
Lola: We're close. Stu Wolff's only a few yards away from us. And then he'll be at the after-party with us.
Ella: Your belief system amazes me.
Lola: Here's what I learned: when you're happy, the whole world's New York. And that dreams are important. Someday, when you're not even looking, they find you.
Lola: It was the first time I realized that absolute reality could be so much more fun than fantasy.
Miss Baggoli: Press your bars, children...
Ella: You can't - do this, Lola, everyone is depending on you, whaddabout, your parents and Sam, Sam has never been to a school function in his life, he's only going because of you! And what about me? I was miserable until you came to Dellwood. I thought everyone's life was like mine, just doing everything you're supposed to do when you're supposed to do it, never questioning anything. Ugh, the only thing I could expect when I grew up was a life like my parents' and then... I met you. You gave me courage, Lola. Because of you I'm brave enough to be different. Don't touch me! You're a sham! The one thing Carla can't do anything about is you being Eliza Doolittle, and you're just gonna hand it to her.
Lola: [as Eliza] I will be a teacher because being a teacher is the most worthy thing a person can be.
Lola: I lied because I wanted to make myself seem more interesting.
Ella: More interesting? We are 1,000 miles from home in a New York police station with a drunken rock star waiting for your dead father to show up. You want to be more interesting? More interesting than what?
Stu: It's my mother's birthday today, I bought her a rug...
Lola: I like your... boots.
Carla: It still amazes me that I get everything I want
Ella: I'm getting really scared being out here all alone, Lola.
Lola: We're not alone. We're with an adult.
Ella: Aside from the fact that he isn't actually with us, he isn't actually an adult. He's a rock star.
Karen: You are a Lola.