A faded country music musician is forced to reassess his dysfunctional life during a doomed romance that also inspires him.

Bad Blake: I wanna talk about how bad you make this room look. I never knew what a dump it was until you came in here.
Bad Blake: [Lying on bed strumming guitar lightly] You know that song? Hmmm?
Jean Craddock: I can't remember who did it.
Bad Blake: That's the way it is with good ones, you're sure you've heard them before.
Jean Craddock: You wrote that?
Bad Blake: Yes, ma'am, just now.
Bad Blake: Fucking bowling alley.
Bad Blake: Whole worlds have been tamed by men who ate biscuits.
Bad Blake: I don't want to talk about Tony.
Jean Craddock: All right, what do you want to talk about?
Bad Blake: I wanna talk about how bad you make this room look. I never noticed what a dump it was until you came in here.
Bad Blake: . I haven't seen anybody blush in I don't know how long.
Jean Craddock: I can't help it if my capillaries are close to the skin.
Bad Blake: Thought you weren't gonnashow.
Bad Blake: Son, I've played sick, drunk, divorced, and on the run. Bad Blake hasn't missed a goddamn show in his whole fucking life.
Bad Blake: Ain't rememberin' wonderful?
Bad Blake: [Referring to Buddy] What about his Dad?
Jean Craddock: Oh, I made a lot of mistakes. I'm just trying not to make 'em twice.