I have a real passion for driving. Earlier on in my life I wanted to be a race car driver. But I don't pay an extortionate amount of money for cars. I'm pretty frugal.
When you concentrate on agriculture and industry and are frugal in expenditures, Heaven cannot impoverish your state.
It's the intelligent thing to be frugal.
My parents were both in the army for 20 years and then worked in government departments; but they had gone through the Great Depression and known lean times. They always remained extremely frugal and lived far below their means.
My grandfather could barely read. My grandmother had a sixth-grade education. They were people who were industrious. They were frugal.
I drive a tiny Toyota iQ. I'm quite frugal and often cut my own hair.
Vegetarian and frugal it may be, but the chickpea is one of the most versatile ingredients you could keep in your cupboards.
Polaroid by its nature makes you frugal. You walk around with maybe two packs of film in your pocket. You have 20 shots, so each shot is a world.
It's more frugal to wear ties that are given to you.
Raising myself and caring for my brothers and sisters allowed me the benefit of a lot of information that I wouldn't have otherwise gotten. I had to be frugal, thoughtful, resourceful. I didn't have anyone to tell me, 'You can't.'