Few enterprises of great labor or hazard would be undertaken if we had not the power of magnifying the advantages we expect from them.
I have been heartbroken once and it has affected all my relationships from there on. But now I look at it as a occupational hazard. If you are in the meat market at some point you are gonna get mad cows disease.
Government is a health hazard. Governments have killed many more people than cigarettes or unbuckled seat belts ever have.
I prefer to be true to myself, even at the hazard of incurring the ridicule of others, rather than to be false, and to incur my own abhorrence.
Regulation creates a moral hazard.
I never worry about people not taking my work seriously as a result of the humor. In the end, the comic's best trick is the illusion that comedy is effortless. That people imagine what he's doing is easy is an occupational hazard.
When you are an actor, rejection and disappointment are an occupational hazard.
Is the minor convenience of allowing the present generation the luxury of doubling its energy consumption every 10 years worth the major hazard of exposing the next 20,000 generations to this lethal waste?
Life for the European is a career; for the American it is a hazard.
Being pregnant is an occupational hazard of being a wife.