Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.

Neville: [talking to Anna about Bob Marley] He had this idea. It was kind of a virologist idea. He believed that you could cure racism and hate... literally cure it, by injecting music and love into people's lives. When he was scheduled to perform at a peace rally, a gunman came to his house and shot him down. Two days later he walked out on that stage and sang. When they asked him why - He said, "The people, who were trying to make this world worse... are not taking a day off. How can I? Light up the darkness."
[last lines]
Anna: In 2009, a deadly virus burned through our civilization, pushing humankind to the edge of extinction. Dr. Robert Neville dedicated his life to the discovery of a cure and the restoration of humanity. On September 9th, 2012, at approximately 8:49 P.M., he discovered that cure. And at 8:52, he gave his life to defend it. We are his legacy. This is his legend. Light up the darkness.
Neville: My name is Robert Neville. I am a survivor living in New York City. I am broadcasting on all AM frequencies. I will be at the South Street Seaport everyday at mid-day, when the sun is highest in the sky. If you are out there... if anyone is out there... I can provide food, I can provide shelter, I can provide security. If there's anybody out there... anybody... please. You are not alone.
Anna: The world is quieter now. We just have to listen. If we listen, we can hear God's plan.
Neville: God's plan.
Anna: Yeah.
Neville: All right, let me tell you about your "God's plan". Seven billion people on Earth when the infection hit. KV had a ninety-percent kill rate, that's five point four billion people dead. Crashed and bled out. Dead. Less than one-percent immunity. That left twelve million healthy people, like you, me, and Ethan. The other five hundred and eighty-eight million turned into your dark seekers, and then they got hungry and they killed and fed on everybody. Everybody! Every *single* person that you or I has ever known is dead! Dead! There is no god!
Neville: I like Shrek.
[from trailer]
Neville: God didn't do this. We did!
Marley: Look, Daddy, it's a butterfly!
[makes a butterfly with her hands]
Neville: [to a pretty mannequin in the video store] I... I promised a friend I would say hello to you today.
[begins to cry]
Neville: Please say hello to me.
Neville: Please say hello to me.
Neville: This is Ground Zero. This is my site. I can fix. I can fix this.
Neville: What the hell are you doing out here, Fred? Fred, if you're real, you better tell me right now!
[first lines]
TV Personality: The world of medicine has seen its share of miracle cures, from the polio vaccine to heart transplants. But all past achievements may pale in comparison to the work of Dr. Alice Krippin. Thank you so much for joining us this morning.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Not at all.
TV Personality: So, Dr. Krippin, give it to me in a nutshell.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Well, the premise is quite simple - um, take something designed by nature and reprogram it to make it work for the body rather than against it.
TV Personality: You're talking about a virus?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Indeed, yes. In this case the measles, um, virus which has been engineered at a genetic level to be helpful rather than harmful. Um, I find the best way to describe it is if you can... if you can imagine your body as a highway, and you picture the virus as a very fast car, um, being driven by a very bad man. Imagine the damage that car can cause. Then if you replace that man with a cop... the picture changes. And that's essentially what we've done.
TV Personality: And how many people have you treated so far?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Well, we've had ten thousand and nine clinical trials in humans so far.
TV Personality: And how many are cancer-free?
Dr. Alice Krippin: Ten thousand and nine.
TV Personality: So you have actually cured cancer.
Dr. Alice Krippin: Yes, yes... yes, we have.
[cuts to post-apocalyptic New York three years later]
Neville: Nothin' happened the way it was supposed to happen.
[speaking of the mannequin at the DVD store]
Neville: What should I say? You wanna see some infected rats?
Neville: I'll say hello tommorrow.
Neville: Eat your vegetables. Don't just push 'em around, eat 'em. I ain't playin'!
Neville: [after his outburst scares Anna and Ethan] It's just... I was saving that bacon!
Neville: Day one thousand and one. We came in close contact with a hive today. Blood tests confirm that I remain immune to both the airborne and contact strains. Canines remain immune to airborne strain only. The vaccine trials continue. I'm still unable to transfer my immunity to infected hosts. The Krippen Virus is... elegant.
[mind wanders]
Neville: Just fishin' in the dark, son.
[after a long pause, going back to his train of thought]
Neville: Behavioral note - an infected male exposed himself to sunlight today. Now it's possible decreased brain function or growing scarcity of food is causing them to... ignore their basic survival instincts. Social de-evolution appears complete. Typical human behavior is now entirely absent.
[while the Dark Seekers try to break through a plexiglass door in Neville's laboratory]
Neville: [screaming] I can help. I can save you. I can save everybody.
Neville: [to Sam] You can't go running into the dark.
Neville: [to mannequin in video store] Morning, Hank. I'm halfway through the "G's".
Neville: Come on, Sam. We gotta go.
Neville: I'm listening.
[from trailer]
Neville: I'm not gonna let this happen.
Woman Evacuee: [repeated] I'm not infected!
Neville: [to Sam] Just how you like it... disgusting!