A young woman is followed by an unknown supernatural force after getting involved in a sexual encounter.

Hugh: It could look like someone you know or it could be a stranger in a crowd. Whatever helps it get close to you.
Yara: I have an idea!
Paul: What?
Yara: [tilts to one side and farts loudly] It got away.
Jay Height: You don't believe me do you?
Yara: When I was a little girl my parents would not allow me to go south of 8th mile. And I did not even know what that meant until I got a little older. And I started realizing that. That was where the city started and the suburbs ended. And I used to think about how shitty and weird was that. I mean I had to ask permission to go to the state fair with my best friend and her parents only because it was a few blocks past the border.
Hugh: Okay, even thought it is following you I can still see it. It is not done with me either. Okay, like I told you, all you can do is pass it on to someone else.
Kelly Height: What the fuck are you talking about?
Hugh: She can do the same thing I did. It should be easier for her, she is a girl. Any guy would be with you. Just sleep with someone else and tell him to do the same thing. Maybe it will never come back.