A young woman discovers her destiny as an heiress of intergalactic nobility and must fight to protect the inhabitants of Earth from an ancient and destructive industry.

Jupiter Jones: It's like my internal compass points directly at Mr. Wrong. Maybe it's my genes. Maybe I have defective engineering, too.
[moving closer]
Jupiter Jones: And if that's the case, is there anyway to fix it?
Caine Wise: [backing away] You are royalty now. I'm a splice, you don't understand what that means. I have more in common with a dog than I have with you.
Jupiter Jones: I love dogs, I've always loved dogs.
Balem Abrasax: My mother made me understand that every human society is a pyramid, and that some lives will always matter more than others. It is better to accept this than to pretend that it isn't true.
[from trailer]
Stinger Apini: [to Caine] You're the perfect hunting machine: fearless, relentless. You've been searching for one thing your whole life... and she's down there.
Jupiter Jones: Are those flying boots?
Caine Wise: They harness the force of gravity, redirecting it into differential equation slips so you can surf.
Jupiter Jones: Yeah, I heard "gravity" and "surf".
Caine Wise: Up is hard, Down is easy.
Jupiter Jones: Thank you, wow!
Caine Wise: It can be difficult for people from underdeveloped worlds to hear that their planet is not the only inhabited planet.
[from trailer]
Stinger Apini: Your Majesty...
[bows to Jupiter]
[Caine saves Jupiter from getting killed]
Jupiter Jones: Who are you?
Caine Wise: I'm here to help you.
Balem Abrasax: [sitting on his throne with his back to Jupiter] You should have stayed dead.
Jupiter Jones: [angrily] I am not your mother.
Balem Abrasax: [scoffing] No, my mother never cleaned a toilet in her life.
Jupiter Jones: Maybe that was her problem.
Jupiter Jones: Because a dream is the only way any of this make sense.
Caine Wise: Compared to what? The idea that you're the only intelligent species, on the only inhabitable planet, in a universe so full of planets that you don't even have a number to describe how many there are.
Balem Abrasax: I will harvest the planet tomorrow, before I let her take it from me.
[from trailer]
Balem Abrasax: Bring her to me... NOW!
Stinger Apini: We need a plan.
Caine Wise: We need firepower.
Balem Abrasax: [throws up his hands] I CREATE LIFE... and I destroy it.
Balem Abrasax: Stop.
[Balem "freezes time" in the operating room where Caine meets Jupiter, as the scene slowly takes place around him]
Balem Abrasax: There you are...
[he stoops down to look at Jupiter as she is floating in the operating room]
Balem Abrasax: You know there are times when I actually miss you. Because no one understood this universe like you did. No one understood me
[his voice breaks]
Balem Abrasax: like you did.
Balem Abrasax: [to Titus on the recently-harvested planet of Zalintyre] The House of Abrasax continues to thrive, despite the squandering over your inheritance, brother.
Kalique Abrasax: [steps out of her rejuvenation pool] Each of us has the code for our optimal physical condition. The problem is our genes have an expiration date, which is transferred to ourselves. A long time ago someone figured out how to replace deteriorating cells with new ones. Today it's as easy as changing a light bulb.
Jupiter Jones: Where do you get these light bulbs?
Kalique Abrasax: We grow them.
Jupiter Jones: Like clones?
Kalique Abrasax: No. Clones lack genetic plasticity. Several million years ago a gene plague caused by cloning by nearly annihilated the entire human race.
Jupiter Jones: I was told that Abrasax is the seed of earth. Is that where you get it?
Kalique Abrasax: Your earth is a very small part of a very large industry... Feel my skin.
Jupiter Jones: Oh, wow.
Kalique Abrasax: In your world, people are used to fighting for resources like oil and minerals and land. But when you have access to the vastness of space, you realize, there's only one resource worth fighting over - even killing for. More time. Time is the single most precious commodity in the universe.
Balem Abrasax: Life is an act of consumption, Jupiter. To live is to consume and the human beings on your planet are merely a resource waiting to be converted into capital, and this entire enterprise is just a small part in a vast and beautiful machine defined by evolution, designed to a single purpose: to create profit.
[repeated line]
Jupiter Jones: I hate my life.
Jupiter Jones: The more you care, the more the world finds ways to hurt you for it.
[last lines]
Caine Wise: You ready?
Jupiter Jones: Watch this.
[jumps off the Willis Tower wearing the flying boots]
Diomika Tsing: If there's anything we can do to make the journey easier, you let us know.
Stinger Apini: Actually, you know what, I'm feeling a little over-dressed, so if you have something I can change into. By myself. While I'm awake.
[looking back toward Caine]
Caine Wise: What?
Caine Wise: Where's Kiza?
Stinger Apini: Stay away from my daughter.
[kicks him while he's down]
Kiza: Don't drag me into your male mating rituals.
Titus Abrasax: Lies are a necessity. They are the source of meaning - of belief and hope. Honesty, lies are sometimes the only reason I get out of bed.
Jupiter Jones: The problem with Astrology? Total bullshit.
Phylo Percadium: [looking out at the passing space port] Welcome, your Majesty, to the over populated oozing cesspool we humbly call home.
Jupiter Jones: Do you like waffles?
Caine Wise: What are waffles?
Balem Abrasax: Double our security deployment. Destroy any ship that comes near the planet.
Balem Abrasax: [shouts] GO!
Titus Abrasax: Have you ever seen a harvest?
Kalique Abrasax: Oh no, never. But I've heard they feel no pain. It's all quit humane, from what I've heard.
Jupiter Jones: Where is my family?
Chicanery Night: We can all only hope that they remain unharmed.
[evil grin and a chuckle]
Jupiter Jones: [throws her weight into a hard slap to his face]
Chicanery Night: I see you have the standard issue Abrasax temper.
[first lines]
Jupiter Jones: Technically speaking, I'm an alien. And from the perspective of Immigration, an illegal one. My parents met at the University in Saint Petersburg, where he taught Astrophysics, and she taught Applied Mathematics. My mother fell in love with him when she found him almost frozen to death on the bank of the Neva, staring up at the stars.
Seal and Signet Minister: Now, here is your Code and Conduct Guide. And your Royal Ways and Commission. And file this with the Legion Administrator for your Royal Guard appointment. Yes?
Jupiter Jones: Okay.
Seal and Signet Minister: Well, Congratulations, your Majesty. And my deepest condolences.
Jupiter Jones: I don't care. The more you care, the more the world finds ways to hurt your heart.
Jupiter Jones: I am not your mother.
Balem Abrasax: No, my mother never cleaned a toilet in her life.
Jupiter Jones: Maybe that was the problem.
Balem Abrasax: My mother... my mother taught me what was necessary to rule in this universe.
Jupiter Jones: By killing people?
Balem Abrasax: I CREATE LIFE! And I destroy it. Life is an act of consumption, Jupiter. To live is to consume. Now, the human beings on your planet are a resource, waiting to be converted into capital.