We are just an advanced breed of monkeys on a minor planet of a very average star. But we can understand the Universe. That makes us something very special.
The puma is, with the exception of some monkeys, the most playful animal in existence.
If an army of monkeys were strumming on typewriters, they might write all the books in the British Museum.
Evolution was far more thrilling to me than the biblical account. Who would not rather be a rising ape than a falling angel? To my juvenile eyes, Darwin was proved true every day. It doesn't take much to make us flip back into monkeys again.
Monkeys are superior to men in this: when a monkey looks into a mirror, he sees a monkey.
Comedians are the monkeys of acting. When you go to the zoo, everybody loves the monkey exhibit.
Evolution isn't true, because if we evolved from monkeys, how can they still be here?
I have mentally overcome situations most of you would be terrified to ever attempt: heights, fire, needles, spiders, snakes, angry monkeys, being shot, being hit by a car, going blind - you name it, I have been in a situation where I have had to mentally overcome my inherent fears to do my job.
If you could cross a lion and a monkey, that's what I'd be, because monkeys are funny and lions are strong.
I don't want to sound pretentious, but you could hire a bunch of monkeys to be on a TV show, and if it's successful, then everything's perfect and everybody's happy.