James Bond investigates the mid-air theft of a space shuttle and discovers a plot to commit global genocide.

Sir Frederick Gray, Minister of Defence: My God, what's Bond doing?
Q: I think he's attempting re-entry, sir.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: You know him?
James Bond: Not socially. His name's Jaws, he kills people.
Hugo Drax: Mr. Bond, you persist in defying my efforts to provide an amusing death for you.
[Bond and Drax are shooting pheasants]
Hugo Drax: You missed, Mr. Bond.
[a sniper falls from a tree]
James Bond: Did I?
Hugo Drax: James Bond. You appear with the tedious inevitability of an unloved season.
[Drax addresses his staff aboard the space station]
Hugo Drax: First there was the dream, now there is reality. Here in the untainted cradle of the heavens will be created a new super race, a race of perfect physical specimens. You have been selected as its progenitors. Like gods, your offspring will return to Earth and shape it in their image. You have all served in public capacties in my terrestrial empire. Your seed, like yourselves, will pay deference to the ultimate dynasty which I alone have created. From their first day on Earth they will be able to look up and know that there is law and order in the heavens.
Hugo Drax: Jaws, you obey me!
[Jaws hesitates]
Hugo Drax: EXPEL THEM!
[after shoving Drax into an air lock and ejecting him into outer space]
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Where's Drax?
James Bond: Oh, he had to fly.
[his only line in the Bond series]
Jaws: Well, here's to us.
James Bond: Take a giant step back for mankind.
[Bond dangles from a cable car a thousand feet up]
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Hang on, James!
James Bond: The thought had occurred to me.
Hugo Drax: May I press you to a cucumber sandwich?
James Bond: [drops Chang off a building and into a piano] Play it again, Sam.
Hugo Drax: Allow me to introduce you to the airlock chamber. Observe, Mr Bond, your route from this world to the next.
[opens airlock door]
Hugo Drax: And you, Dr Goodhead, your desire to become America's first woman in space will shortly be fulfilled.
Corinne: [while riding in a helicopter] This is the Drax estate now. Everything you see belongs to Mr. Drax.
James Bond: He owns a lot, doesn't he?
Corinne: What he doesn't own, he doesn't want.
Hugo Drax: Jaws, Mr. Bond must be cold after his swim. Place him where he can be assured of warmth.
Hugo Drax: Look after Mr. Bond. See that some harm comes to him.
James Bond: Oh, I suppose you're right, Holly. We would be better off working together. Détente?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Agreed.
James Bond: Understanding?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Possibly.
James Bond: Co-operation?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Maybe.
James Bond: Trust?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Out of the question.
[his plans in ruin and holding Bond at gunpoint]
Hugo Drax: At least I shall have the pleasure of putting you out of my misery. Poor, desolate Mr. Bond.
James Bond: [shoots Drax with hidden wrist-gun] Heartbroken Mr. Drax!
Miss Moneypenny: James! But, why are you so late?
James Bond: I fell out of an airplane without a parachute. Who's in there?
Miss Moneypenny: Q and the Minister of Defense.
James Bond: You don't believe me do you?
Miss Moneypenny: No. And you should go right in.
James Bond: Bond, James Bond
Hugo Drax: Frederick Gray! What a surprise. And in distinguished company, all wearing gas masks. You must excuse me, gentlemen, not being English, I sometimes find your sense of humor rather difficult to follow!
Hugo Drax: Why did you break up the encounter with my pet python?
James Bond: I discovered it had a crush on me.
James Bond: Standard CIA equipment. And the CIA place you with Drax, correct?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Very astute of you, James.
James Bond: Not really. I have friends in low places.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Come on, Mr. Bond. A 70-year-old can take 3 G's.
James Bond: Well, the trouble is there's never a 70-year-old around when you need one.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: I still don't know if I trust you.
James Bond: I don't know if I trust you either. That's what makes it more exciting, doesn't it?
[Bond runs his hands up the Hostess' leg]
Hostess Private Jet: Any higher, Mr Bond, my ears will pop.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Have you broken something?
James Bond: Only my tailor's heart.
[she kisses him]
James Bond: What was that for?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: For saving my life.
James Bond: Remind me to do it more often!
James Bond: Where did you learn to fight like that? NASA?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: No. Vassar.
James Bond: [flying over Moonraker's expansive production facilities] Well, I'd heard that Hugo Drax is obsessed with the conquest of space. Now I can believe it.
James Bond: [looks up and is shocked to see an enormous chalet] Good Lord!
Corinne: The Drax residence. Every stone brought from France. Cute, isn't it?
James Bond: Magnificent. Why didn't he buy the Eiffel Tower as well?
Corinne: He did, but the French government refused him an export permit.
Miss Moneypenny: Why James, you look like you've just fallen off a mountain.
James Bond: Funny you should say that, Moneypenny, actually I was in a cable car. It doesn't matter.
Hugo Drax: You have arrived at a propitious moment, considered to be your country's one indisputable contribution to Western Civilization: Afternoon tea. May I press you to a cucumber sandwich?
James Bond: Thank you, no, nothing at all.
[Holly and James are discussing how to destroy the death globes en route to Earth]
James Bond: Moonraker 5, that's the answer. Drax's shuttle is armed with a laser. We can track those globes and destroy them.
[first lines]
Captain: How are we doing, Richard?
RAF Officer: We should pass over the English coast 15 minutes ahead of time, sir.
Captain: Wow! With this load on our back, that's good going.
RAF Officer: Just trust the RAF, sir.
[At Vandenburg Air Force Base Colonel Scott is on the hotline with Soviet General Gogol after Drax's space station has suddenly appeared on radars]
Col. Scott: Will you please listen, General Gogol! We didn't put it up there.
General Anatol Gogol: [amid a snowstorm outside his mansion] Neither did we, Colonel Scott! So, what do you propose?
Col. Scott: We're taking action. We're sending up a spacecraft to investigate.
General Anatol Gogol: Very well. But if we do not hear from you within twelve hours we will take action outselves and hold you responsible for the consequences.
Col. Scott: We'll be in touch. Sorry to have awoken you.
General Anatol Gogol: I was already awake. How can I sleep? Nothing but problems. Problems, problems.
[Gogol hangs up and returns to bed with his lovely secretary]
Pilot Private Jet: This is where we leave you, Mr Bond.
James Bond: A little premature isn't it?
James Bond: [after blowing a hole in the vent with his watch] Bang on time!
James Bond: Your dream, whatever sort of nightmare it is, hasn't a chance, Drax.
Hugo Drax: You think not?
Hugo Drax: We shall see.
Corinne: I never learned to read.
[last lines]
Dr. Holly Goodhead: James?
James Bond: I think it may be time to go home.
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Take me 'round the world one more time.
James Bond: Why not?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: This evening I'm giving my address.
James Bond: Then can you think of a reason why we can't go for a drink afterwards?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: Not immediately. But I'm sure I shall.
James Bond: Bollinger? If it's '69 you were expecting me.
Q: [explaining operation of dart wrist-gun] It's activated by nerve impulses from the wrist muscles.
James Bond: Like this?
[dart pierces a painting on M's wall]
M: Oh, thank you, 007!
Q: Be careful, will you? Now, there's ten darts: five blue-tipped, with armour-piercing heads; five red-tipped, cyanide coated, causing death in thirty seconds.
James Bond: Very novel, Q. Must get them in the stores for Christmas. Good day, gentlemen!
James Bond: Haven't we met somewhere before?
Dr. Holly Goodhead: The face is familiar.
[he touches her hand]
Dr. Holly Goodhead: As is the manner.