Three stories are connected by a Memphis hotel and the spirit of Elvis Presley.

Mitzuko: Jun, why do you only take pictures of the rooms we stay in and never what we see outside while we travel?
Jun: Those other things are in my memory. The hotel rooms and the airports are the things I'll forget.
Night Clerk: [after hearing the bellboy complain about his uniform] Well, you should do like I do, shit, go over and buy your own damn clothes over at Lansky's, somewhere like that; I mean, you know it's like they say: the clothes make the man. I mean look at that damn hat on your head, you look like a damn mosquito-legged chimpanzee, I mean-
[he abruptly breaks up]
Mitzuko: Hi! Good night!
Night Clerk: Good night. How may I help you?
Mitzuko: Umm... We would like most cheap room please do you have?
Night Clerk: All our rooms for two people are the same rate.
Mitzuko: Oh.
Jun: (speaking in Japanese) What'd he say?
Mitzuko: (speaking in Japanese) I'm not exactly sure. (In English) I'm sorry, that is too expensive.
Night Clerk: Well, what about on Jupiter?
Bellboy: At the time of his death, if he were on Jupiter, Elvis would've weighed six-hundred and forty-eight pounds.
Night Clerk: Six-hundred and forty-eight. Damn.
[Mitzukoand Jun hear a loud noise outside]
Mitzuko: Was that a gun?
Jun: Probably. This is America.
Johnny: Don't call me Elvis! If you can't use my proper name, why don't you try "Carl Perkins, Jr." or something? I mean, I don't call them "Sam & Dave", do I?
Dave: Hey, man. My name is Dave.
Jun: You know, Memphis does look like Yokohama. Just more space. If you took away sixty percent of the buildings in Yokohama, it would look like this.
Night Clerk: [both stare at a plum on the counter, neither saying a thing] I don't think you should eat that thing.
Bellboy: Yeah, you're probably right.
Night Clerk: You gonna eat it?
Bellboy: No, I'm not gonna eat that thing.
[at this, the night clerk casually reaches over and eats the plum in one bite]
Bellboy: ate my plum!
Newsvendor: What can I do you for?
Luisa: I would like to buy this newspaper.
Newsvendor: Well now, you should buy this one here as well. The Tri-State Defender.
Luisa: No, thank you. I think I need only this one.
Newsvendor: Well, you know, you only need one leg to get around on if that's all you got. But it sure helps having two, now, doesn't it?
Luisa: Oh, well, uh, yes. This one too.
Newsvendor: How about some magazines?
Johnny: Hey, everybody! Check your guns at the bar!
Night Clerk: [hearing a radio ad for seafood, disgusted at what he is hearing] "Jiffy Squid"? Turn that damn thing off! "Jiffy Squid"
[grimaces in dislike and shakes his head]
Dee Dee: Hey! Listen... They're fucking.