A law student, who takes a job as a night watchman at a morgue, begins to discover clues that implicate him as the suspect of a series of murders.

Martin Bells: The police have a suspect.
James Gallman: Who is it?
Martin Bells: It's me.
Martin: You're insane!
James: No, I'm not.
Martin Bells: How do you know it's just the one guy?
Inspector Thomas Cray: Can I trust you?
Martin Bells: Well yeah, absolutely.
Inspector Thomas Cray: Can I trust you with a bit of privileged information?
Martin Bells: Oh yeah.
Inspector Thomas Cray: He has his signature.
Martin Bells: Signature?
Inspector Thomas Cray: He takes their eyes.
Inspector Thomas Cray: Most people, when they see something like this, their immediate reaction is to ask how could somebody do this and why. Even when we catch the killer, they want to know the how and why. In movies or television, the killer always explains the how or why. He always has some reason, however crazy, with a mad gleam in his eye. But I've interrogated murderers like this one before, and let me tell you, they are well beyond the need to justify what they do. They just do it. Explanations are just a fiction to make us feel safe. Because if it can't be explained, then it's just meaningless chaos. It could touch any one of us at any moment. Which is exactly what it is.
Inspector Thomas Cray: Have you ever been killed before? I'll be back in a minute.
Katherine: Oh my god.
Martin Bells: This just doesn't happen! This is not happening! Cray, why are you doing this? What the hell are you doing?
Inspector Thomas Cray: Stop asking for the "how" and "why" Martin!
Martin Bells: Don't you see it, that's all I've gotta do. Just sit on my ass. Sit. On. My. Ass.
Katherine: You had strange dreams last night.
Martin Bells: I did?
Katherine: Mmm. You were breathing really heavily. Kept kicking your legs and moaning.
Martin Bells: You sure we weren't having sex?
Katherine: Pretty sure. Yeah.
Inspector Thomas Cray: I want you to do me a favor, Martin.
[tosses Martin a baseball bat]
Inspector Thomas Cray: Hit me.
Martin Bells: What?
Inspector Thomas Cray: Come on, Martin. Hit me. How much more can you take? Do you know what they're going to do to you, Martin? They're going to snuff you out, like a bug hitting a windshield. You're going to die anyway, Martin. Don't you know that you're going to die? Now come on, Martin. You've got to do something. Protect yourself, save yourself. Martin, this is your last chance. Do something! Or I'll take your girlfriend's eyes.
Martin Bells: You're a fucking nutcase!
James Gallman: That's Mr. Fucking Nutcase to you!
Inspector Thomas Cray: Martin, if all this is what I think it is, there is someone very dangerous standing right behind you in the dark, breathing down your neck.
Martine Bells: [Of James' thumb] : Does it hurt?
[James smiles]
Martin Bells: Let's grow old together.
James: Let's get older.
Martin Bells: Now, there's a challenge.