A young ninja turns his back on the orphanage that raised him, leading to a confrontation with a fellow ninja from the clan.

Ozunu: Weakness compels strength. Betrayal begets blood. This is the law of the Nine Clans.
Mika Coretti: [about the tracking device she implanted in Raizo] You knew?
Raizo: Just because I was lying down doesn't mean I couldn't feel you. And I forgive you.
[Raizo approaches the remaining witness of a job]
Tattoo Master: For sixty years I've told this story. No one believed me. But you ARE real, aren't you?
Ozunu: No other showed such promise. You were the son I never had. Do you know how your betrayal felt?
Raizo: Why do you think I did it?
Raizo: [to Ozuno] This is not my family. You are not my father. And the breath I take after I kill you will be the first breath of my life.
Takeshi: Do you still think of it? Do you remember the sound she made when I stuck her?
[Raizo screams and attacks him]
Takeshi: Come, little brother. Let us play like old times.
Tattoo Master: The irizumi does not hide the skin. The tattoo reveals the nature of the man and illuminates the four noble professions in the Book of Five Rings: the warrior, the artist, the merchant, and the farmer. If there is a conflict between the needle and the skin, between the mark and the man, then perhaps the path you have chosen is not the path for which you're suited.
Mika Coretti: I know you can't hear me, so I'm sure this doesn't matter but I'm going to say it anyway. I'm just a forensic researcher. It's like a fancy way of saying I'm a librarian. By myself I can't do anything to help you, but I wanted to thank you for saving my life. And I hope you can forgive me for this.
Kingpin: [to Raizo] Its going to take more than a knitting needle to fuck me up, boy!
Hollywood: [to Tattoo Master] What did you just say, old man? I know you didn't just disrespect me, did you? Are you that fucking stupid? You disrespect me, I'll tattoo the ceiling with your fucking brains!
Mika Coretti: So, you said you found something?
Ryan Maslow: Yeah, I was digging around to see what I could come up with and I found this. A report, friend of mine in Moscow tipped me to it. It was written during the height of the Cold War by a high-ranking KGB Agent named Aleksei Sabotin. In it he raises the possibility that a number of political assassinations were conducted by an ancient but very sophisticated network he calls The Nine Clans. Mind you, he doesn't call them ninjas.
Mika Coretti: What happened to him?
Ryan Maslow: [jokingly] The same thing that's going to happen to me if I hang around with you: kicked out of the service for mental instability.
Mika Coretti: You believe it now, don't you?
Ryan Maslow: Ninjas? You've got to be joking!
Mika Coretti: Well then, why are you doing all this?
Ryan Maslow: I don't know. But I can guarantee you it has nothing to do with the fact that you're the most attractive researcher I have ever worked with.
Ryan Maslow: I've investigated World Bank organizations, drug cartels, arms dealers, I've never faced this kind of thing! For ninjas it's fucking unbelievable!
[Mika shoots Ozunu, and he shadowblends away]
Raizo: Mika, run!
Mika Coretti: Where is he? WHERE IS HE?
[Ozunu's face is slashed by Raizo]
Ozunu: Kill him!