General Sherman looked upon journalists as a nuisance and a danger at headquarters and in the field, and acted toward them accordingly, then as throughout his great war career.
Up until now, the biggest question in society about video games has been what to do about violent games. But it's almost like society in general considers video games to be something of a nuisance, that they want to toss into the garbage can.
Practically everybody knows what it's like to feel anxious, worried, nervous, afraid, uptight, or panicky. Often, anxiety is just a nuisance, but sometimes it can cripple you and prevent you from doing what you really want with your life. But I have some great news for you: You can change the way you feel.
When will government cease being a nuisance to everybody?
What we call progress is the exchange of one nuisance for another nuisance.
Here lies a nuisance dedicated to sanity.
If one cannot command attention by one's admirable qualities one can at least be a nuisance.
Of course, my faith has a lot to do with being able to be public without being a public nuisance.
The liberty of the individual must be thus far limited; he must not make himself a nuisance to other people.
My worst boss was a departmental chair who never learned to appreciate new developments in the field. He had contempt for students and younger researchers, and he saw the job of running the department as a nuisance.