I've always kinda been a little outcast myself, a little oddball, doin' my thing, my own way. And it's been hard for me to, to be accepted, certainly in the early years of my life.
I found that it wasn't so oddball to like music and poetry and visual arts, they're kindred spirits.
Follow your instincts. Do the kind of writing you love to do and do best. 'Stiff' was an oddball book - I mean, a funny book about cadavers? - and I worried that it would be too unconventional. In the end, that's what has made it a success, I think.
I was definitely the oddball freak show in school.
When you feel like an oddball, it never really leaves you. Even now, I'm better around people who are uncomfortable with themselves - the misfits.
I was bullied and regarded as little bit of an oddball myself.
I think there's something in the fact that it's hard to be good looking and funny. You have to have an oddball quality; people have to sympathise with you to find you funny.
I've been such an oddball my whole life, but I've always been cool and I've always dressed fairly smartly.
If you think about it, I was at college, and then three months later, I was a massive pop star. It's stress-making, especially when you're a bit of an oddball as I was, the black sheep left to your own devices, and then suddenly everyone's interested in you.
At a certain point he was very popular, from THE RAVEN. He was never fully appreciated, never made the money, and you know he was looked upon with admiration by some people, but also as an oddball. But that was his point.