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Three sailors on a day of shore leave in New York City look for fun and romance before their twenty-four hours are up.
[attempting to escape from the police] Gabey: Hilde, do you know where we can hide? Brunhilde Esterhazy: Sure, I know a place right across the Brooklyn bridge where they'll never find us. Gabey: Where is it? Brunhilde Esterhazy: Brooklyn!
Gabey: Gesundheit. Lucy Schmeeler: That's the nicest thing anybody ever said to me!
Gabey: You know, somewhere in the world there's a right girl for every boy. I guess I found the one for me before I even met you. I tried, but I can't forget her. But don't you worry. You'll find your guy. You're a nice girl Lucy. [He kisses her on the cheek] Gabey: Good night. Lucy Schmeeler: Oh you bad boy! Now I won't wash my cheek for a year.
Claire Huddesen: I was just doing a bit of research. Brunhilde Esterhazy: Dr. Kinsey, I presume.
Officer Tracy, Car 44: [to his patrol car partner, after hearing about the dinosaur collapsing] Collapse? That's terrible. She's my favorite singing star, that Dinah Shore! [the other officer rolls his eyes]
Lucy Schmeeler: Did you see "The Lost Weekend"? Gabey: Yes. I think I'm living through it.
Ozzie: [after Claire took photo of him beside prehistoric man statue] Er, what are you doing tonight? Claire Huddesen: Now just a minute! I want you to know that my interest in you is purely scientific. I'm just a cold-blooded scientist. And I'm writing an anthropological study for this musuem. It's called : "The Modern Man... And What It Is"
Brunhilde Esterhazy: [as Lucy prepares to go out] Don't worry, Lucy, I'll do the same for you one of these days. Lucy Schmeeler: When will you ever get the opportunity? Chip: Goodbye, Miss Schmeeler. Lucy Schmeeler: Goodbye, Mr. Chips!
Chip: Gee, Gabey, why d'ya wanna chase girls all the time? Gabey: I'll tell ya when your voice changes, junior.
Claire Huddesen: You oughta feel proud that three sailors from the United States Navy got off the ship for one day, and what did they do? Were they thirsty for hard liquor? No. They were thirsty for culture. Were they running after girls? No. They came running to the museum to see your dinosaur. For months out at sea they were dreaming about your dinosaur.
Brunhilde Esterhazy: I knew you'd come back. They all come back.
Claire Huddesen: How'd you feel if someone broke your dinosaur? Ozzie: Never had one. We were too poor.
Ozzie: If through a lot of foolery you lost your last red cent/ I wouldn't even stop to ask you why/I'd pawn my mother's jewelry, I'd steal my sister rent/It's all for you kid, you can milk me dry!
Gabey, Chip, Ozzie: [singing] New York, New York, a wonderful town / The Bronx is up and the Battery down / The people ride in a hole in the ground / New York, New York, it's a wonderful town!
Chip: Hilde you're the prettiest cab driver in the whole wide world
Claire Huddesen: [singing] Some guys care a lot for me. But my excitement they can't fan. Because I still await my primitive mate. We have a date... since the world began, my prehistoric man...! [dancing with Ozzie]
[Gabey and Ivy discuss where they should meet] Gabey: Top of the Empire State Building. Ivy Smith: But it's so high up! Gabey: Oh it won't seem high to me. I'm in the clouds right now.
Ivy Smith: Getting involved is so... so... involving.