A rising Hollywood actor decides to take personal revenge against a group of four persistent photographers to make them pay for almost causing a personal tragedy involving his wife and son.

Rex Harper: Laramie. I am going to destroy your life and eat your soul. And I can't wait to do it.
Rex Harper: Hey. I'll be out in a week. Just another great story for Rex Harper.
Detective Burton: Yeah, in a week you'll be somebody's wife. Let's go.
Wendell Stokes: The public wants raw and real and that's what we give 'em. Let me tell you something, my friends, we're the last of the real hunters.
[Harper and Stokes just came back from Laramie's house]
Wendell Stokes: So what do we do now?
Rex Harper: [with increasing anger] The whole idea of going IN THERE, Wendell, was to protect ourselves. If we were worried about Laramie coming after us before, we have GUARANTEED it now!
Wendell Stokes: Why don't we go to the police?
Rex Harper: [incensed and angrier] And tell them what? "We broke into his house. YOU *ATTACKED* HIS WIFE! And that WE would like some protection?" You are a moron, Wendell. You are an ABSOLUTE *MORON*!
Wendell Stokes: Hey, what the hell do you expect me to do? The bitch was all over me!
Rex Harper: *GO HOME*!
Smartass Paparazzi: Hey, packin' on a few POUNDS there, Laramie!
Bo Laramie: As a matter of fact, yes. Looks good on me doesn't it?
Smartass Paparazzi: [after a pause] Yeah!
[winks at Laramie and continues snapping]
[Rex has a videotape of Marcy having sex]
Rex Harper: You still think you're going to tell the police the truth about Laramie's accident, you'd BETTER THINK AGAIN! Not only will I broadcast this on every porno site on the internet, I'll make sure a copy ends up on your father's desk at the State Department.
Marcy: You wouldn't do that?
Rex Harper: Wouldn't I? That's not MY FACE you see on that screen. So go. GO to the police! SEE if I'm bluffing! Meanwhile, get out of my GODDAMN HOUSE! Get out of here!
Leonard Clark: Nice legs. What time do they open?
Marcy: [angrily] Does that line usually WORK where you come from?
Leonard Clark: Yeah, once or twice.
Marcy: LEAVE! NOW!
[a few minutes later across the bar]
Wendell Stokes: What's she like?
Leonard Clark: She's a lesbian.
Rex Harper: Oh yeah. I'm going for a second opinion.
Kevin Rosner: [chuckles] God, you get a lot of lesbians.
[deleted scene]
Cellmate: [in jail] You a fine-lookin' man.
Rex Harper: [weakly] Thanks. You too.
[starts sobbing]
[Laramie called Harper a parasite on TV]
Rex Harper: Here's your parasite right here.
[gives the TV the finger]
Reporter: [after Harper's Arrest] Are you and Wendell lovers?
Leonard Clark: [planting a hidden micro-camera and talking to it] Now that's it. Just do your stuff.
Wendell Stokes: He's coming for us!
Zach Laramie: Why is Daddy on a magazine with a black thing covering his peepee?