Whether in cave paintings or the latest uses of the Internet, human beings have always told their histories and truths through parable and fable. We are inveterate storytellers.
My favorite parable for living a positive and influential life is the Golden Rule: 'Do unto others what you would have them do unto you.'
What I dislike about movie culture is that it often presents a parable of our problems - but the issues are all straightforward and the people are either nice or they're not. In real life, everyone falls between those perimeters, but not many American films operate in that grey area.
Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.
Christ does not save us by acting a parable of divine love; he acts the parable of divine love by saving us. That is the Christian faith.
Every perfect life is a parable invented by God.
The better life rests less on the prohibitions of the Ten Commandments and more on the parable of the Good Samaritan and the Golden Rule.
If you have distance from the events, then your story can work as an analogy or parable rather than its literal narrative.
When I am writing anything in general, I just want to tell the story that exists in my head; I don't try to write a parable or make a point.
All that passes is raised to the dignity of expression; all that happens is raised to the dignity of meaning. Everything is either symbol or parable.