A high school slacker kills his girlfriend and shows off her dead body to his friends. However, the friends' reaction is almost as ambiguous and perplexing as the crime itself.

[John accuses Feck of having feelings for his blow-up doll, Elly]
Feck: Look, I'm not psycho. I know she's a doll. Right, Elly?
Matt: The only reason you stay here is so you can fuck my mother and eat her food. MOTHERFUCKER. FOOD EATER.
[answering his door]
Feck: [gun in hand] Check's in the mail!
Clarissa: I hear they're having an open-casket funeral for Jamie. I think that's in bad taste.
Tony: It is in bad taste. This whole episode is in bad taste. You young people are a disgrace to the human race. To all living things, to plants even. You shouldn't be seen in the same room with a cactus.
Layne: It's people like you that are sending this country down the tubes. No sense of pride. No sense of loyalty. No sense of NOTHING, man.
Mike: N-O spells nuh-uh.
Layne: The *things* I do for my *fucking* *friends*.
Kevin: I just want to say it was horrible what those kids did. And the whole incident points up a fundamental moral breakdown in our society.
Mr. Burkewaite: Thank you, Kevin, for your insightful self-righteous indignation. I'd still like to hear from Tom.
Tom: Would you just quit staring at me like that, man?
Bennett: Did the sight of this dead girl move you in any particular way?
Matt: I don't know.
Bennett: Were you shocked, angry, saddened? Did the sight please you?
Matt: I don't know how I felt.
Bennett: You knew this girl?
Matt: Yeah.
Bennett: How did you feel about her?
Matt: I don't know.
Bennett: Hey, I'm getting sick of "I don't know". Do you hear me?
[repeated line]
Feck: Check's in the mail!
Feck: You got any Bud in bottles?
Clarissa: I feel like someone dipped me in used cooking oil.
Feck: I killed a girl once.
Layne: [Annoyed] I know, Feck, you keep telling me that.
[Matt tries to buy beer]
Samson: You giving my friend trouble.
Checker: Look, I cannot sell you guys beer after two o'clock in the morning.
Samson: [displaying a gun] Well, I'm here to turn back the time.
Feck: My leg was right out in the middle of the street. I remember lying in the gutter and bleeding and shit, staring at my leg, right next to a beer can. And I remember thinking, that's my leg... I wonder if there's any beer in that can.
Layne: It's circuits inside. The people that own this place have them all reconnected caused they know that if I ever learn this machines I'll take control the fucking universe.
Matt: You respect an adult? I really *do* need to get stoned...
Tim: You pothead fuckbrain.
[holding a cat]
Samson: Look what I found. We can get it stoned!
[first lines]
Checker: [points at legal age sign]
Samson: That's a real nice sign, how much.
Checker: I have to see ID.
Samson: I left it at home. How much?
Checker: I'm not going to sell you this unless you show me ID.
Feck: I killed a girl, it was no accident. Put a gun to the back of her head and blew her brains right out the front. I was in love.
Samson: I strangled mine.
Feck: Did you love her?
Samson: She was okay.
Samson: I killed her.
Maggie: You're strange, John.
Tony: What'd you do, man? Sit on her?
Layne: This is like some fuckin' movie. Friends since second grade, fuckin' like THIS
[crosses fingers]
Layne: and then one of us gets himself in potentially BIG trouble, and now we've gotta deal with it; we've got to test our loyalty against ALL odds. It's kind of... exciting. I feel like... Chuck Norris, y'know?
Layne: Two dollars and money for gas. One of us should get a job, or... something.
Layne: Hurry your ass.
Samson: You were a biker.
Feck: Yeah, years ago. Oh, man. I ate so much pussy in those days, my beard looked like a glazed doughnut.
Layne: I know, Feck. Women are evil, you had to kill her.
Layne: Why did you kill her?
Samson: She was talking shit.
Kevin: [to teacher] Don't you think violence is wrong?
Tom: Aw, fuck off, Kevin. Wasting pigs is radical, man.
[last lines]
Feck: You understand, don't you? Sure you do. I don't like killing people. But sometimes it's necessary. That's enough for now. I, I'd like you all to leave now. Very tired. Sort of depressed. I lost a good friend today, ya know...
Clarissa: You didn't have to call me a stupid bitch.
Layne: You would of driving right past us. We had to yell something.
Matt: You Yelled it Layne.
Clarissa: I got a name you know. You're lucky I didn't just drive right home.
Layne: OKay, okay, okay. I'm sorry *Clarissa*, but you've got to understand that in a time like this where every fucking second counts, a man can't waste his time choosing words.
Tim: Get your nunchuks and your dad's car. I know where we can get a gun.
Layne: Budweiser? You'd think I'd at least rate a Michelob... Ah, and it's warm even!
Madeleine: I give up this mother bullshit, it's not worth it! You're all a mistake anyway!