As a deadly battle rages over Jigsaw's brutal legacy, a group of Jigsaw survivors gathers to seek the support of self-help guru and fellow survivor Bobby Dagen, a man whose own dark secrets unleash a new wave of terror.

Hoffman: You wanna know the only thing wrong with killing you, Jill? I can only do it once.
Dr. Gordon: [final line] Game over.
Gibson: [talking to Jill] It's a safe house Jill! Safe. House.
[Walks out of the room]
Secretary: We just got this. Hoffman knows she's here.
Gibson: Goddamnit!
Dr. Gordon: Bravo! To be able to sustain such a traumatic experience and, uh... and yet find a positive in that grizzly act. It's a remarkable feat, indeed. Remarkable... if not a little perverse.
Jigsaw: Hello Dr. Gordon. You are perhaps my greatest asset. Without you, my work over the last few years would not have been possible. That having been said I have a request. Watch over Jill, and should anything happen to her, I want you to act immediately on my behalf. In return for that, I will keep no more secrets from you. I've shown you a lot of places, but there is one that will be perhaps the most meaningful to you.
Dr. Gordon: I don't think so!
Jigsaw: Hello, Evan. I want to play a game. The situation you find yourself in is of your own doing. You, your girlfriend, and your friends are all RACISTS. You have intimidated others based on their physical differences, but today, it is YOU who will run scared; your friends fallen your every word, Evan. Therefore, you will be the only one capable of saving them and yourself. In 30 seconds, the jacks holding up this car will fall, setting off a deadly chain of events. In order to stop this from happening, you must tear yourself away from the seat, to which you are glued. And you must pull the red lever before you. But no act comes without a sacrifice. You judged others by the color of their skin. And today, Evan, you will learn that we are all the same color on the inside. Live or die, Evan. The choice is yours.
Hoffman: Hello, Gibson. Been a long time. What I want is simple. Give me Jill Tuck. You're protecting her despite the fact that she had direct knowledge throughout, which makes her complicit in every death. I'll make you a deal. Give her to me, the game stops, no one else dies. If not, everyone dies and you'll be to blame. Make your choice. The clock's ticking.
Bobby: Sidney, look at me. You made a decision. How did that make you feel?
Sidney: Free. He was abusive. I tried to stop it before, but it wasn't until that moment that I really did something. It was him or me and I chose to live. It was the best thing that ever happened to me.
Simone: That's a bunch of bullshit. He had to die for you to leave him? You know the best thing that happened to me after having to cut off my own arm is handicapped parking at the damn mall!
Dr. Gordon: I'm sure I speak for everyone here when I say how grateful we are to be a part of your... "promotional... DVD."
[claps mockingly]
Bobby: These are my scars... 'cause our minds will heal, but these scars will never go away. These scars shan't be a symbol of shame... they should be worn as a badge of courage.
Jigsaw: Congratulations Dr. Gordon... you survived
Dr. Gordon: [shows a picture ] Jeff's wife, Dr. Lynn Denlon, she'll be perfect
Jigsaw: Hello, Bobby. I want to play a game. You have amassed wealth, fame and notoriety based on your story of survival. Many have aided in your cause. Few know the truth. You are a liar. You and I both know you have never been in a trap, nor have you ever been tested. Today, these lies will come full circle and you will learn if you truly have what it takes to call yourself a survivor. The cage you find yourself in will symbolize your rebirth. Within the next sixty minutes, you must stay on the path of learning and traverse a series of obstacles to obtain access to your wife, who you have also deceived. If you fail to reach her before the clock runs out, she will die. Live or die, Bobby. Make your choice.