There's no business like show business, but there are several businesses like accounting.
Stand-up don't get no respect - it's the hardest thing to do in show business. You don't have no band and there's no music.
Creative people don't behave very well generally. If you're looking for examples of good relationships in show business, you're gonna be depressed real fast. I don't have time for anything else right now but work and my daughter. She's my first priority.
I believe that the Laws of Karma do not apply to show business, where good things happen to bad people on a fairly regular basis.
Show business is fickle, and though I have been blessed with a healthy career, who knows how long that will last?
If there's any business that instructs you in the strong hand of fate, it's show business. You can plan and plan, but it's what happens to you that really determines what your career will be like.
You and I and everybody in show business and the entertainment industry fly by the seat of our pants. We don't know quite what is going to happen.
I said, to hell with the whole thing, to hell with show business. I'm gonna make a new life for myself, and I got off drugs, completely kicked all that stuff.
That's what show business is, sincere insincerity.
The show business has all phases and grades of dignity, from the exhibition of a monkey to the exposition of that highest art in music or the drama which secures for the gifted artists a world-wide fame princes well might envy.