The Man of Steel crusades for nuclear disarmament and meets Lex Luthor's latest creation, Nuclear Man.

[last lines]
Lex Luthor: [Superman has dropped Luthor off at prison and they are discussing nuclear weapons] Is the world gonna be vaporized?
Superman: No. It's the same as it's always been, Luthor. On the brink. With good fighting evil. See you in twenty.
[Superman flies off]
[Superman has flown into Lex Luthor's Lair]
Lenny: The Dude of Steel! Boy are you gonna get it!
Superman: Madam Chairman, I don't represent any one particular country, but I'd like to address the delegates.
U.N. Secretary General: Well... in that case, you will need a sponsor.
[all delegates raise their hands]
U.N. Secretary General: I believe that will do. Please.
Nuclear Man: Destroy Superman.
Lex Luthor: Later.
Lex Luthor: [to Superman] He's a little bit anxious. Can you blame him?
Levon Hornsby: [to Clark] You never could hit a curve ball!
Lex Luthor: Lenny, let's try and keep your IQ a family secret.
Superman: You'd risk world wide nuclear war for your own personal financial gain.
Lex Luthor: Nobody wants war. I just want to keep the threat alive.
Lex Luthor: Destroy Superman!
Nuclear Man: First, I have fun.
Lex Luthor: Just remember, I made you.
Lenny: Yeah, you're just an experiment, freako!
[Nuclear Man raises his hand and lifts Lenny up into the air]
Nuclear Man: [Makes Lenny spin around] I am an experiment? I am a freako?
[Sets Lenny down]
Lex Luthor: I made you and I can destroy you.
Nuclear Man: Destroy. Destroy Superman now!
Superman: And there will be peace. There will be peace when the people of the world, want it so badly, that their governments will have no choice but to give it to them. I just wish you could all see the Earth the way that I see it. Because when you really look at it, it's just one world.
Lex Luthor: [introduces Nuclear Man to Superman] Look closely at the cell structure. You see anything familiar?
Superman: You've broken all the laws of man, Luthor. Not it looks as though you've broken all the laws of nature, too. I can only assume you must have hidden a device of some kind on one of the missiles I hurled into the sun.
Lex Luthor: You know, Mr. Muscle, I'm really gonna miss these little chats we had together. You're the only one that could keep up with me.
Superman: Uh... no pain, no gain?
Lex Luthor: He gets his energy from the sun. Without it, he's like you at night - useless.
Lex Luthor: [to Superman] Goodnight, sweet prince. Parting is... inevitable.
Lenny: You gonna skip the country, Uncle Lex?
Lex Luthor: Lenny, you pathetic product of the public school system, your Uncle Lex has had nothing on his mind the past few years except for one thing:
Lenny, Lex Luthor: Destroy Superman!
Lois Lane: You gotta go with your gut.
[first lines]
Cosmonaut Captain: [in Russian] You can sing later comrade Sinatra.
Cosmonaut: [in Russian] Back at home they told me to sing in space.
Lacy Warfield: You can't park here! You'll get towed! Lois, do you have any idea how much a ticket's gonna cost here?
Lois Lane: Lacy, it's only money!
Lex Luthor: [to Lenny] Now Leonard, your Uncle Lex, with this protoplasm that I've grown from Superman's hair cells... will duplicate creation itself!
Lenny: [When Nuclear man levitates Lenny and sets him spinning] Hey I was just kidding about the Freako before, if anyone's a freako around here, it's gotta be me.
Lex Luthor: You know what I can do with a single strand of Superman's hair?
Lenny: You can make a toupee that flies.
Lex Luthor: Lenny, I've always considered you the Dutch Elm disease in my family tree.
[Superman is addressing the UN]
Lacy Warfield: What's he gonna say?
Lois Lane: Something wonderful.
Lenny: You know what this means, Uncle Lex?
Lex Luthor: What?
Lenny: We're gonna be parents!
Lex Luthor: A hearty bienvenue to Jean-Pierre Dubois, nuclear warhead dealer to the world. His motto is: "If you didn't buy it from Jean-Pierre, you didn't buy it on ze black market."
[Superman and Nuclear Man confront each other in downtown Metropolis]
Nuclear Man: Where is the woman?
Superman: Give it up, you'll never find her.
Nuclear Man: If you will not tell me, I will hurt people!
[Nuclear Man begins to cause mass destruction]
Superman: Stop! Don't do it, the people!
Superman: I know I'm forbidden to interfere... and yet the Earth is threatened by the same fate as Krypton's.
1st Elder: The Earth is too primitive. You can flee to new worlds, where war is long forgotten.
2nd Elder: If you teach the Earth to put its fate in any one man, even yourself, you're teaching them to be betrayed.
1st Elder: Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed! Betrayed!
Lenny: [touches Nuclear Man] Oh, no! He's like... He's, like, cold.
Superman: [returns Cosmonaut to capsule, speaks in Russian] You'll be safer singing in here.
Lex Luthor: This is my nephew Lenny. He worships me.
Lois Lane: I'd want to tell him that I cherished the time we spent together, and I never expected anything from him. Even if I only saw him for a few moments, it made me happy. And I'd want to tell him that I love him and that I'll always love him. And... no matter what happens on this world, I know he tried his best to help us.