A snooty socialite is stranded on a Mediterranean island with a communist sailor.

Amber: What have you done to me?
Guiseppe: What you needed doing to you. Don't you like it?
Amber: It's okay.
Guiseppe: Run, my little vixen... run, run!
Tony: Would you show my wife the gym.
Guiseppe: Wait here!(takes out an exercise bike) YOUR GYM MADAM!!
Amber: ANTHONY!!!
[complaining to her husband]
Amber: I did not fly all the way from New York City to wherever the fuck we are to get on that!
Tony: How many vacations have you enjoyed? You wanted to try something new.
Amber: New? Tell me, how new does that look? It's got a fucking chimney, Anthony!
[while they all play poker]
Marina: Stop being such a pussy, Michael.
[trying to entice Amber into the water]
Tony: Oh, come on in. It's clean as a whistle.
Amber: Depends on who's been blowing in the whistle, doesn't it?
[to Guiseppe, while adrift at sea]
Amber: I can't believe you came all the way out here without a fucking cell phone!