In a remarkable turn-of-events, the result of the presidential election comes down to one man's vote.

Bud Johnson: I know exactly what you mean Andy.
President Andrew Boone: Do you?
Bud Johnson: Maybe not...
Bud Johnson: Did you save me any hot water?
Molly Johnson: I don't know, did the water heater fix itself?
President Andrew Boone: Do you like football?
Bud Johnson: I'm an American aren't I?
Molly Johnson: Remember dad, no cussing.
Kate Madison: Thanks Bud. Why don't we get started with your opinion of gay marriage?
Bud Johnson: Oh, shit, do we uh, do we have to?
Kate Madison: So you're against it?
Bud Johnson: I- No, uh, I didn't say that.
Kate Madison: Oh. Then what is your position?
Bud Johnson: Well I don't have a position, all right. To tell you the truth I don't give a rat's ass about it. My dad always said whatever king does in his castle is his business, I guess the same can go for- ha I guess the same can go for two queens.
Molly Johnson: Don't forget today.
Bud Johnson: Yeah uh, what's today?
Molly Johnson: Election Day, dummy. I'm supposed to do a report on your voting, remember?
Bud Johnson: Well I already told you before, I'm not even registered.
Molly Johnson: I registered for you, in the mail.
Bud Johnson: Well that's great. I'll get jury duty now...
Molly Johnson: It's your civic responsibility.
Bud Johnson: My what?
Molly Johnson: It's your civic responsibility.
Bud Johnson: My civic responsibility, where are you learning this crap?
Molly Johnson: Mrs. Abernathy.
Bud Johnson: Yeah, well stay away from her.
Molly Johnson: She's my teacher.
Bud Johnson: Ah.
Bud Johnson: America needs someone who's bigger than their speeches.
Molly Johnson: Sign this.
Bud Johnson: What is it?
Molly Johnson: A questionnaire. I'm supposed to ask you about your politics.
Bud Johnson: Well uh, go ahead...
Molly Johnson: I already filled it in. I wanted you to sound smart.
Bud Johnson: What's that?
Molly Johnson: Egg salad.
Bud Johnson: Egg salad?
Molly Johnson: You like egg salad.
Bud Johnson: Yeah but not every damn day.
Molly Johnson: We're on a budget.
Bud Johnson: Well you've got to stir it up a bit.
Molly Johnson: You want to eat better? Drink less beer.
Molly Johnson: I want to live with Mom.
Bud Johnson: So do I.
Kate Madison: [bowling] Remember when we were kids? This was the only thing to do on weekends.
Bud Johnson: [laughs] It still is.
Molly Johnson: All the world's great civilizations have followed the same path. From bondage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy back to bondage. If we are to be the exception to history, then we must break the cycle, for those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
Kate Madison: The only question is who you voted for, and are you going to vote the same way?
Bud Johnson: Remind me again, uh, who's running?
Bud Johnson: Jesus, Molly, you've got to quit being such a smartass.
Molly Johnson: And *you* have to stop using 'Jesus' as a cussword all the time. He's a billion people's Saviour.
Molly Johnson: Maybe I should tell them the truth.
Bud Johnson: What're you talking about? Tell them what?
Molly Johnson: That *I* was going to be the one to cast the vote.
Bud Johnson: [reading a letter] If this is one of the richest countries in the world, why is it so many of us can barely afford living here?'
Bud Johnson: I'll call them back.
Molly Johnson: If we had a phone you could call them back.
President Andrew Boone: Sometimes you gotta figure out what you want in this life. Then you have to decide how much this
President Andrew Boone: worth to you. Because they got to put it on your tombstone. It's your legacy. A measure of what you left behind.
Bud Johnson: Are we, uh, are we still talking about the job?
President Andrew Boone: Uh...
Bud Johnson: The lobby business?
President Andrew Boone: Right, forget that. It's not worth it.
[first lines]
Radio Announcer: After a hotly contested race Americans go to the polls today for what promises to be a very close election. The Republican incumbent Andrew Carrington is hoping to hold on to the Oval Office, taking on Democratic challenger...
Bud Johnson: You guys protect the President!
Lewis: She's... she's smarter.
Molly Johnson: Bud, if you blow this, I'm leaving.