My happiness is being able to present my talents for people to see, and I feel like I'm an ambassador of Thai history and Thai culture on film so that people can see Muay Thai.
Food makes travel so exceptional, because you get to taste what it's actually supposed to taste like. To eat the real Pad Thai or finally have a proper curry is something pretty amazing.
I'm more likely to give you a cuddle than a punch in the face. I have a soft side, especially with my girlfriend. I send her flowers and use my culinary skills to pull off romantic meals. I do great Thai dishes.
I will be the Thai equivalent of Eddie the Eagle.
Short of screaming-hot Thai food, everything can be suitable for kids too.
My favourite restaurant is the Thai Corner Cafe on St Paul's Road. We go there all the time. I shouldn't really mention it - I don't want it to be chock-a-block.
I look cooking! Particularly pad thai.
All the time people ask me, like, 'Oh my God, what did you do to get ready for the red carpet?' And I'm like, 'I just had Thai food.' I love to work out and do cardio and have a healthy, active lifestyle, but I also am not going to, like, freak out over food.
Many other countries in this world are in a difficult situation, and all the Thai people are probably worried about the fate of Thailand: whether the country would survive or not.
I love Japanese and Thai food, especially seafood, and eat out with my wife two or three times a week.