Bhumibol Adulyadej — Statesman born on December 05, 1927,

Bhumibol Adulyadej is the King of Thailand. He is also known as Rama IX, as he is the ninth monarch of the Chakri Dynasty. Having reigned since 9 June 1946, he is the world's longest-serving current head of state and the longest-reigning monarch in Thai history, serving for 7009219389040000000♠69 years, 190 days... (wikipedia)

A good person can make another person good; it means that goodness will elicit goodness in the society; other persons will also be good.
I am concerned because even in the past two years that were the jubilee years, I have seen evident signs which show that the people are still in great difficulties, and there are things that still need to be remedied and looked after in many areas.
Many other countries in this world are in a difficult situation, and all the Thai people are probably worried about the fate of Thailand: whether the country would survive or not.
Therefore, I think that in the celebration of the 50 years of the present reign, there must be research on the changes that the country has undergone, and in the future, it could be used as a lesson for our future actions.
Everyone must correct his own self; this is something more difficult to cope with, but it is not impossible.