Tony Jaa — Thai Actor born on February 05, 1976,

Japanom Yeerum, formerly Tatchakorn Yeerum or Phanom Yeerum, better known internationally as Tony Jaa, in Thailand as Jaa Phanom, is a Thai martial artist, physical educator, actor, action choreographer, film producer, stuntman, director, and has spent time as a Buddhist monk. His films include Ong-Bak: Muay Thai Warrior, Tom-Yum-Goong, Ong-Bak 2: The Beginning, Ong Bak 3 and Tom Yum Goong 2... (wikipedia)

I practice martial arts not to win over other people but to win over my own heart.
My happiness is being able to present my talents for people to see, and I feel like I'm an ambassador of Thai history and Thai culture on film so that people can see Muay Thai.
I'm inspired by my master's movie 'Kerd ma lui,' Bruce Lee's 'Fists of Fury,' and Jackie Chan's 'Police Story.'
Bruce Lee's fast pace, Jet Li's pretty style and Jet Li's acrobatics combine with Muay Thai for my own style.
Never be afraid to fail. Failure is only a stepping stone to improvement. Never be overconfident because that will block your improvement.