An FBI agent persuades a social worker, who is adept with a new experimental technology, to enter the mind of a comatose serial killer in order to learn where he has hidden his latest kidnap victim.

Catharine Deane: Do you believe there is a part of yourself, deep inside in your mind, with things you don't want other people to see? During a session when I'm inside, I get to see those things.
Carl Stargher: Why are you here... don't lie.
Catharine Deane: I came to help you.
Carl Stargher: You're lying! Bitch, whore... cunt!
Catharine Deane: You sound like your father.
Carl Stargher: My father?
Carl Stargher: [in a monster's voice] HE WAS NOTHING, HE IS NOTHING!
Carl Stargher: Me got boy. Boy me got.
Carl Stargher: And what world do you live in?
Miriam: Did we go sailing?
Catharine Deane: Almost! Mocky-Lock showed up.
Miriam: [saying a nursery rhyme] Mocky-Lock is the boogeyman, Mocky-Lock wants me where I am!
Catharine Deane: Mocky-Lock is a pain in the ass.
Miriam: [about Edward's parents] It's a good thing she worships you.
Catharine Deane: Because he hates me?
Miriam: I wouldn't say hate. Distrusts, dislikes immensely, can't bear the sight of.
Carl Stargher: You can not kill me.
Carl Stargher: Mares eat oats, and does eat oats, and little lambs eat ivy. A kid'll eat ivy, too... wouldn't you?
Catharine Deane: Hey you.
[pets young Carl's horse]
Catharine Deane: You know, I know another little boy who has a horse. His name's Edward. The boy, not the horse.
Catharine Deane: My world, my rules.
Carl Stargher: Where do you come from?