Four young men who belong to a supernatural legacy are forced to battle a fifth power long thought to have died out. Another great force they must contend with is the jealousy and suspicion that threatens to tear them apart.

Reid Garwin: Harry Potter can kiss my ass.
Aaron Abbot: What the hell are you staring at, faggot?
Chase Collins: That thing between your legs. It's like a penis, but smaller.
Reid Garwin: [seeing a girl in a short skirt, slapping a twenty on the table] Blue. Cotton.
Tyler Sims: [slapping down a twenty] Pink lace.
Pogue Parry: [slapping down a twenty] Boys, that girl hasn't worn panties since she was twelve.
Pogue Parry: [a gust of wind blows the girl's skirt up, revealing no panties. Pogue walks off with the money, smirking, and hands it to the bartender] Keep the change, man.
Chase Collins: Come to save little Ms. Muffet, have we? Well, you're too late. A spider came and sat down beside her and frightened Ms. Muffet away!
Chase Collins: I'm going to make you my Wee-yotch!
Reid Garwin: [when teacher says Stephen King] Yeah! Dreamcatcher was the shit.
Chase Collins: Say it! "I"
Caleb Danvers: I
Chase Collins: "will"
Caleb Danvers: will
Chase Collins: "you-"
Caleb Danvers: you... nothing.
Caleb Danvers: [Caleb gets a phone call from Sarah about Kate being in the hospital, Caleb looks at Pogue]
Pogue Parry: What is it?
Caleb Danvers: It's Kate, Chase put a spell on her... creation... spiders.
Pogue Parry: [Stands up] What!
Caleb Danvers: [Stands up] Relax don't do anything stupid.
Pogue Parry: [Runs upstairs] Were talking about Kate!
Tyler Sims: So, what did the Provost want?
Caleb Danvers: Someone told him about the fight a Nikki's.
Reid Garwin: Feel like elaborating on that?
Pogue Parry: Oh, you got a piece of glass on your face.
Caleb Danvers: [Tyler jumps off cliff, and Caleb yells] TYLER!
Pogue Parry: Come on Caleb. It's not like it's going to kill us. Yet.
Evelyn Danvers: For once in your life can you think of anyone besides yourself.
James Danvers: I will you my powers.
[Caleb then receives his powers and William dies]
Sarah Wenham: So, who's the fifth?
Kate Tunney: What fifth?
Sarah Wenham: Well, you said five families.
Kate Tunney: They say the fifth was killed off during the Salem Witch-hunt.
Chase Collins: A spider came and sat down beside her and frightened Miss Muffet away!
Caleb Danvers: [talking to Reid] WHAT will it take for you to get it? It's addictive you moron!
Caleb Danvers: [pulls up in front of the house] Our family's first colony house.
Sarah Wenham: Wait, someone lives here?
Caleb Danvers: Just our caretaker, Gorman.
[a shot rings out, ducks from bullet]
Caleb Danvers: Gorman! It's me! It's ok! He doesn't see that well anymore.
Sarah Wenham: You think?
Gorman Twoberry: Who's with you?
Caleb Danvers: Just a friend! Be right back
Sarah Wenham: So, why do you call them 'The Sons of Ipswich'? What are they, like a boy band?
Kate Tunney: I like you. You're funny. Not like all the other stuck-up bitches. No. They're supposedly descendants of the five families that settled the Ispwich colony in the 1600's.
Sarah Wenham: Old money.
Caleb Danvers: My power's greater than yours.
Reid Garwin: Not until you ascend.
Caleb Danvers: Alright, go for it tough guy.
[first lines]
Reid Garwin: What's up fellas?
Tyler Sims: Where were you? I stopped by to give you a lift.
Reid Garwin: Had things to do. How's the party?
Pogue Parry: Don't know. Just got here.
Reid Garwin: Well hell boys,
[eyes go black]
Reid Garwin: let's drop in.
[jumps off cliff]
Tyler Sims: Shit, yeah!
[jumps off cliff as well]
Caleb Danvers: [being chased by the police] Ugh, y' gotta pull over.
Reid Garwin: Oh, you wanna stop? That'll impress Harvard.
Caleb Danvers: oh what the hell., lose 'em. cut across marblehead. let's have some fun while we're at it.
Chase Collins: [At the end, during the battle] You ready to say "uncle"?
Caleb Danvers: I'm ready for you to go to hell.
Kate Tunney: [turning from her mirror] You know both Caleb and Reid were checking you out tonight. But if were me, I'd go for Caleb.
Sarah Wenham: Why?
Kate Tunney: He's just one of those majorly good guys, you know.
Sarah Wenham: Well, how do you mean?
Kate Tunney: Well, like he could stay here in the dorms and party with the rest of us. But her stays at home to care of his mom.
Sarah Wenham: What's wrong with her?
Kate Tunney: After Caleb's dad died, she became a bit of an alcholic.
Sarah Wenham: Is he seeing anyone?
Kate Tunney: [happy] So, we are interersted.
Reid Garwin: Move over.
Tyler Sims: But it's my car.
Caleb Danvers: Move over baby boy, now!
Sarah Wenham: See? Chivalry isn't dead after all.
Kate Tunney: [smiling to Chase] No, it just transferred in.
Aaron Abbot: I think you owe Kyra an apology.
Caleb Danvers: Actually, I think it's Kyra who owes Sarah the apology.
[nods from Kyra to Sarah]
Sarah Wenham: [Sarah smirks]
Chase Collins: [after cutting in, speaking to Aaron] Sorry, but you *were* being kind of bitchy.
Evelyn Danvers: [about his father] I'm so afraid I'll lose you like I did him.
Caleb Danvers: How many times do I have to tell you that I'm not him.
Evelyn Danvers: That's the same thing he said about his faher... You know these-these powers that you and your friends developed when you turned 13, are nothing compared with what you'll get when you ascend. They are a thousand times stronger.
Kate Tunney: They're here.
Sarah Wenham: Who?
Kate Tunney: The sons of Ipswich.
Chase Collins: Did you see my problem here? I like to use... a lot. Only... no one ever told me about the... effects, the damage, the addiction.
Kira Snider: [snidely to Sarah] So, tell me. How does one go about getting into Spencer from a public?
Chase Collins: Ok, I'll admit, I'm a little impressed, not bad!
Caleb Danvers: Thanks!
[he pushes Chase with his powers]
Chase Collins: [laughs] Ooh! Woo! Trying to impress your date, huh?
Pogue Parry: [talking about Chase Collins] Look, I don't even like the guy... are you sure you're not imagining this?
Caleb Danvers: I'm telling you; his eyes were as black as the night in the pool today.
Tyler Sims: It's not right, using it on each other Caleb.
Caleb Danvers: Ugh, tell it to Reid.
Evelyn Danvers: [off screen] You're home early.
Caleb Danvers: It's after midnight. Mother. What are you still going up?
Evelyn Danvers: Thinking about my baby turning 18 this week...
[about his father]
Evelyn Danvers: You look so much like him in this light... you know, he was a year younger than you when we met.
Chase Collins: Oooooh, Witchy! Oops. Did I just say 'witch'?
Sarah Wenham: So, why do you call them 'The Sons of Ipswich'? What are they, like a boy band?
Kate Tunney: I like you, you're funny. Not like all the other stuck-up bitches.
Chase Collins: That guy's puking really came at an opportune moment.
Reid Garwin: Didn't it though?
Tyler Sims: He made the shot dickhead. You bet him he couldn't, and he did.
Reid Garwin: [snaps towel against Tyler's backside] SAY MY NAME!
[last lines]
Sarah Wenham: [regarding Chase] Where is he?
Caleb Danvers: I don't know...